Create the VM using a recent Windows ISO
Installer 'I don't have a license' 'Win10 Pro N for Workstations'
Initial config
- Admin user vagrant/vagrant
Jump to 'Modify the VM' below
Get the latest .box
vagrant box update --box gusztavvargadr/windows-10
Prepare for Vagrant
- Create new folder for the Vagrantfile
- Name based on month & year, e.g., Win10Aug23
- Copy previous Vagrantfile to this new folder
- Edit Vagrantfile
- 'config.vm.hostname' to match the folder name convention
- Create ansible folder and
- Copy inventory file from previous month (or windev/playbooks)
- Change target machine name in windows section of inventory
- Create new folder for the Vagrantfile
Have Vagrant create the VM
vagrant up
orvagrant up --no-provision
- After VM starts
- Rename guest VM appro'ly
- Shutdown VM
- Change network to bridged over a host NIC
- Enable bidi cut & paste
- Take snapshot!
- Start VM
- Accept network discovery
- If created from ISO
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false ansible-playbook ../windev/playbooks/main.yml -i ./ansible/inventory
- Change vagrant's password
- Install Winget using Store app
- Install VBox Guest Additions
- Start and config procexp
- Clean up task bar (rm Store, Mail, etc.)
- Created amt/Vagrantfile to manage creating a Windows 10 VM in VirtualBox
- Added How To section at tope
- Created amt/win10231107 for new VM & followed instructions above
- Changed vagrant's pswd
- All Windows and winget updates
After VM is running
- Run Remove-DefaultWin10Apps.ps1 Gist
- When to create user & change vagrant's pswd?