The mission of the NeuroJSON project is to develop open and standardized neuroimaging data exchange formats that are human and machine readable, searchable, shareable, and can be readily validated and scaled towards disseminating large and complex neuroimaging datasets. The project is governed by the following principles:
- Openness: The NeuroJSON format is open and freely available to all. Anyone can contribute to the development of the format or use it in their own work.
- Standardization: The NeuroJSON format is designed to be compatible with existing standards, capitalizing upon the large existing software ecosystems for the JSON format and NoSQL databases. This will make it easier for researchers to share and reuse neuroimaging data.
- Human understandability: Making scientific data human-readable and understandable is considered the essential requirement for long-lasting and reusable data and is thus reflected in the design principles of our specifications and tools.
- Scalability: The NeuroJSON format is designed to be scalable to meet the needs of a growing neuroimaging community. It can be used to represent a wide variety of neuroimaging data, from simple measurements to complex models. It also supports convenient query interfaces to manipulate large-scale datasets.
- Efficiency: The NeuroJSON format is designed to be efficient for both file-based data exchange and cloud-based data exchange using NoSQL database interfaces. This will make it easier for researchers to store and process neuroimaging data and ease data interoperability among data processing tools.
The NeuroJSON project is managed by a steering committee. The steering committee is responsible for setting the overall direction of the project and ensuring that the project meets the needs of the community. The steering committee is composed of representatives from a variety of organizations.
The Steering Committee is responsible for the following:
- Setting the overall direction of the project
- Ensuring that the project meets the needs of the community
- Overseeing the development of the NeuroJSON format specifications and platforms
- Communicating with the community about the project
"NeuroJSON Contributors" are referred to as individuals who have contributed new additions, revisions, issues, or topics of discussion to the NeuroJSON specifications and toolboxes via GitHub.
Section 1. Steering Committee Definition. The NeuroJSON Steering Committee is ultimately responsible for guiding the development of NeuroJSON in accordance with its mission. The committee must unanimously approve the changes to the NeuroJSON government or mission statement.
Section 2. Election. Steering committee members must be nominated or self-nominated in advance of the end of a sitting member's term. The departing member is responsible for the organization of the election, and cannot be elected to remain in the same seat. All NeuroJSON Contributors, Maintainers, and Steering Committee members are eligible to vote in the election.
Section 3. Terms. The Steering Committee is composed of 3 or 5 members of the neuroimaging community who are elected to serve 3 year terms. The number of members should remain odd.
Section 4. Meetings. A majority of Steering Committee members must meet at least twice within a year. At least one Maintainer must be present at these meetings. These meetings should review the following:
- The most recent Maintainers Report
- Any unresolved critical changes from the Maintainers
- project priorities and progress towards goals
- Delegation of resources (i.e maintainers' attention) towards completion of goals
The meeting should result in the authorship of a brief report.
Section 5. Steering Committee Reports. The Steering Committee must author a brief report following each of its required biannual meetings. This report must document the actions and considerations of the committee, and must be archived and disseminated via the GitHub repository. The report must include the names of the Steering Committee's members.
Section 6. GitHub Repository Role. Steering Committee members must have the role of Admin
on the GitHub repository.
Section 7. Specification Releases. The Steering Committee must unanimously approve official releases and publish them via GitHub. Releases must be thoroughly documented and properly formatted as described in The Committee is subsequently responsible for alerting the community to the release.
Section 8. Maintainer Election. At any time, any member of the Steering Committee may approve the addition of a Maintainer. The Steering Committee member must give the Maintainer the role of Maintain
Section 1. Maintainer Definition. Maintainers are responsible for directing and moderating changes and fixes to the specifications and software tools and their repositories. This includes the merging of pull requests, the management of issues, and the preparation and validation of pending official releases. Maintainers are expected to advance NeuroJSON towards the goals described by the Steering Committee.
Section 2. Election. Maintainers may be nominated or self-nominated at any time. A single member of the Steering Committee must approve them. Maintainers may serve subsequent terms.
Section 3. Terms. Maintainers serve 2 year terms. At the end of their term, they must step down or seek the renewal of their title from a member of the Steering Committee.
Section 4. Maintainers' Report. Maintainers must collectively author a report summarizing their prominent actions and considerations since their previous report. This document must include any critical issues or pending releases which the Steering Committee must consider.
Section 5. GitHub Repository Role. Maintainers must have the role of Maintainer
on the GitHub repository.
Section 1. Pull Requests. Maintainers are ultimately responsible for the merging of pull requests into the working branches of the NeuroJSON specifications, but both Steering Committee Members and Maintainers have the authority to do so. Pull requests must receive reviews from 2 Committee members or Maintainers prior to merging, and should remain open for at least 2 weeks. Changes may be merged immediately only in the case of minor corrections and administrative changes.
Section 2. Scheduling of Meetings. Meetings may be organized by anyone. No more than 7 months should elapse between meetings such that they remain biannual.