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Community |
Participate in the UE4Research online community. |
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If you would like to connect with fellow researchers and share your questions or experiences related to using the Unreal Engine within a research context, the UE4Research Discord server is the place to do so. Please note that this Discord community is dedicated to research-related discussions only.
A number of our contributors are also active on the Unreal Slackers Discord community. This community provides a venue for discussing all topics related to the Unreal Engine, and is suitable for discussions that are not exclusively related to research.
If you would like to contribute to the UE4Research project itself, you can find our repositories at the UE4Research GitHub organisation. We particularly welcome issues that notify us of new publications to add to the [Publications]({{ "/publications" | relative_uri }}) page and new infrastructure projects or integrations to add to the [Resources]({{ "/resources" | relative_uri }}) page.
Any other enquiries can be directed to Dr Adam Rehn at [email protected]. Please include the term "UE4Research" in the subject line.