yay -S commits
Verify what is the latest release here
wget https://github.com/alt-art/commit/releases/download/0.7.0/commit_0.7.0_amd64.deb
apt install ./commit_0.7.0_amd64.deb
Verify what is the latest release here
wget https://github.com/alt-art/commit/releases/download/0.7.0/commit_0.7.0_x86_64.rpm
dnf install ./commit_0.7.0_x86_64.rpm
Requires rust and cargo
git clone https://github.com/alt-art/commit.git
cd commit
cargo build --release
cp target/release/commit /usr/local/bin
Verify what is the latest release here
mkdir "C:\Program Files\commit"
copy commit.exe "C:\Program Files\commit"
setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\commit"