·joserfc· is a Python library that provides a comprehensive implementation of several essential JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) standards.
This package contains implementation of:
- RFC7515: JSON Web Signature
- RFC7516: JSON Web Encryption
- RFC7517: JSON Web Key
- RFC7518: JSON Web Algorithms
- RFC7519: JSON Web Token
- RFC7520: Examples of Protecting Content Using JSON Object Signing and Encryption
- RFC7638: thumbprint for JWK
- RFC8037: OKP Key and EdDSA algorithm
- RFC8812: ES256K algorithm
And draft RFCs implementation of:
- C20P and XC20P
- ECDH-1PU algorithms
A quick and simple JWT encoding and decoding would look something like this:
>>> from joserfc import jwt
>>> from joserfc.jwk import OctKey
>>> key = OctKey.import_key("secret")
>>> encoded = jwt.encode({"alg": "HS256"}, {"k": "value"}, key)
>>> encoded
>>> token = jwt.decode(encoded, key)
>>> token.header
{'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT'}
>>> token.claims
{'k': 'value'}
>>> claims_requests = jwt.JWTClaimsRegistry()
>>> claims_requests.validate(token.claims)
Licensed under BSD. Please see LICENSE for licensing details.