The paths stored as the input by the user in .raw file are read and a road network is initialized using those.
First, Roads and Road-separators are created followed by detection of intersections and their initialization.
Very close intersections are merged into one and after this, road-network graph is initialized for the use by the traffic manager.
Rotates the road-network about y-axis.
Rotates the road-network about x-axis.
Rotates the road-network about z-axis.
Translates the camera in the direction of it's Up-vector.
Translates the camera in the opposite direction of it's Up-vector.
Translates the camera in the direction of it's Right-vector.
Translates the camera in the opposite direction of it's Right-vector.
Zooms-in the model by moving the camera in the direction of it's front vector.
Zooms-out the model by moving the camera in the opposite direction of it's front vector.
Scrolling-up zooms-in the model and Scrolling-down zooms-out the model.
Direction of the front and consequently right vector of the camera is changed preserving its position.
Can be used to look-around the model from one-place. At the start of the program the cursor is snapped to the center of the screen.
Source directory - /src/Road-Model and /src/Road-Graph
Include directory - /include/road-network/Road-Model and /include/road-network/Road-Graph.