You are always welcome to contribute to this project!
Before you start, please read through all the resources carefully on this link below.
- HowToContribute - Open source contribution guideline for all Zero to Mastery course students
You could contribute whatever you want. But finishing React Robofriends Section
is highly recommended. Here's a guideline what you could do depends on what Andrei's course you've done.
If you've already finished React Robofriends Section
, then you could do these lists on below.
1.FooterComponent Component // Need to design. It's empty now.
2.Next Stage Development!!! It's gonna be very very fun!
All detail about this can be found the end of this page.
Scroll down to see how to create new stage guide!
3.Any typo errors.
4.Certificate css format.
If you've all done with Andrei's ZeroToMaster CWD
course, then you could do this.
1.Header Component // score recording system connected with a database.
The database could be anything like MongoDB, Firebase, or PostgreSQL.
2.Rebuild this whole app with React & Redux
3.Integrate with SCSS or React Router
If you are taking Andrei's Junior to Senior
course, then you could contribute these.
1.Performance checking
2.Unit Test
3.Issue Reporting
4.Core function optimization
It's going to be really fun. Follow along this guideline! And make your pull request!
Go to src > Components > SpellParsing > SpellParsing.js
. It's a core function for this app. It converts user input to JSX style css code. For instance, if user inputs "justify-content : flex-end", then the function converts it to "justifyContent : flex-end" which React can read. So before you make your own stage, you need to check if the function can be read. If it cannot, you can add the property to the switch statement in the makeReactCSS() function.
Let say you want to add 'flex-flow' property. Here's a sample snippet.
switch (styleKey) {
// You would add the lines below //
case 'flex-flow':
key = 'flexFlow';
// You would add the lines above //
Go to
src > LevelData > Levels
Duplicate the Level-Template.js
Rename to Level-(level-number)
Update the data for the level
// level number
level: 1,
// level header
header: 'Level Header',
// level solution (a React-compatible object that can have multiple properties)
solution: { alignItems: 'flex-end' },
// array of dragon images you want to use ( can be red, blue, or yellow )
dragonImages: [, dragonImages.yellow],
// array of fire images you want to use ( can be red, blue, or yellow )
fireImages: [, fireImages.yellow],
// a React component that gives the player hints for the current level
hints: (
<p className='hint'>It seems you need to spell mutiple times(2 lines)</p>
<p className='hint'>Here's another list of spells</p>
<ol style={{ fontSize: '0.9rem' }}>
<li>flex-direction : row</li>
<li>flex-direction : row-reverse</li>
<li>flex-direction : column</li>
<li>flex-direction : column-reverse</li>
Import the level into src > LevelData > Levels.js
import level_1 from './Levels/Level-1';
Add the level you made to the Levels object
this[1] = level_1;
That's it. You like it? Then make your pull request!!!
I think that's all for the guideline How to build next stage
Before you make a pull request, please make sure that noone already developed stage #4
in the ZTM master repository. In that case, you should sync first and then change the number of your stage accordingly.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment on Discord channel #group-project.