- AI module completed (using Turing Robot, Iflytek IAT and Iflytek TTS to make a voice chat).
- FaceTracking and AI merged into one scene.
- Add a menu to choose your language and speaker.
- Added a Live2D texture "haru" and can switch texture
- Remove the back & switch camera button, add send & voice button.
- Change the record button & text.
- completed the FaceTracking.
- update some directory structures and filenames.
- Optimized the model‘s transform.localScale and transform.position.
- Annotated the extra OpenCVForUnity drawing code.
- Update background, menu button, GUILayout Label.
- Optimize the model eyes, eyebrows and mouth movements, to prevent jitter.
- Update start and finish recording response.
- Menu scenes.
- Face detection and model scenes.
- Generated gif.