diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/common/types/timeline/store.ts b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/common/types/timeline/store.ts
index 834949d2ed591..d2575b86344d0 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/common/types/timeline/store.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/common/types/timeline/store.ts
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ export type OnColumnRemoved = (columnId: ColumnId) => void;
export type OnColumnResized = ({ columnId, delta }: { columnId: ColumnId; delta: number }) => void;
-/** Invoked when a user clicks to load more item */
-export type OnFetchMoreRecords = (nextPage: number) => void;
+/** Invoked when a user clicks to load next batch */
+export type OnFetchMoreRecords = VoidFunction;
/** Invoked when a user checks/un-checks a row */
export type OnRowSelected = ({
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/common/mock/mock_timeline_search_service.ts b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/common/mock/mock_timeline_search_service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c38f49d3eb635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/common/mock/mock_timeline_search_service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
+ * 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
+ * 2.0.
+ */
+import { mockTimelineData } from './mock_timeline_data';
+const mockEvents = structuredClone(mockTimelineData);
+ * This helps to mock `data.search.search` method to mock the timeline data
+ * */
+export const getMockTimelineSearchSubscription = () => {
+ const mockSearchWithArgs = jest.fn();
+ const mockTimelineSearchSubscription = jest.fn().mockImplementation((args) => {
+ mockSearchWithArgs(args);
+ return {
+ subscribe: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ next }) => {
+ const start = args.pagination.activePage * args.pagination.querySize;
+ const end = start + args.pagination.querySize;
+ const timelineOut = setTimeout(() => {
+ next({
+ isRunning: false,
+ isPartial: false,
+ inspect: {
+ dsl: [],
+ response: [],
+ },
+ edges: mockEvents.map((item) => ({ node: item })).slice(start, end),
+ pageInfo: {
+ activePage: args.pagination.activePage,
+ querySize: args.pagination.querySize,
+ },
+ rawResponse: {},
+ totalCount: mockEvents.length,
+ });
+ }, 50);
+ return {
+ unsubscribe: jest.fn(() => {
+ clearTimeout(timelineOut);
+ }),
+ };
+ }),
+ };
+ });
+ return { mockTimelineSearchSubscription, mockSearchWithArgs };
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/footer/index.test.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/footer/index.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 77eae288dbaa0..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/footer/index.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
- * 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
- * 2.0.
- */
-import { render, screen, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
-import React from 'react';
-import { TestProviders } from '../../../../common/mock/test_providers';
-import { FooterComponent, PagingControlComponent } from '.';
-import { TimelineId } from '../../../../../common/types/timeline';
-describe('Footer Timeline Component', () => {
- const loadMore = jest.fn();
- const updatedAt = 1546878704036;
- const serverSideEventCount = 15546;
- const itemsCount = 2;
- describe('rendering', () => {
- it('shoult render the default timeline footer', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.getByTestId('timeline-footer')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('should render the loading panel at the beginning ', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.getByTestId('LoadingPanelTimeline')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('should render the loadMore button if it needs to fetch more', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.getByTestId('timeline-pagination')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('should render `Loading...` when fetching new data', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.queryByTestId('LoadingPanelTimeline')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByText('Loading...')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('should render the Pagination in the more load button when fetching new data', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.getByTestId('timeline-pagination')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('should NOT render the loadMore button because there is nothing else to fetch', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.queryByTestId('timeline-pagination')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('should render the popover to select new itemsPerPage in timeline', () => {
- render(
- );
- fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('local-events-count-button'));
- expect(screen.getByTestId('timelinePickSizeRow')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- });
- describe('Events', () => {
- it('should call loadmore when clicking on the button load more', () => {
- render(
- );
- fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-next'));
- expect(loadMore).toBeCalled();
- });
- it('should render the auto-refresh message instead of load more button when stream live is on', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.queryByTestId('timeline-pagination')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.getByTestId('is-live-on-message')).toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- it('should render the load more button when stream live is off', () => {
- render(
- );
- expect(screen.getByTestId('timeline-pagination')).toBeInTheDocument();
- expect(screen.queryByTestId('is-live-on-message')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
- });
- });
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/footer/index.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/footer/index.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 611aa8953a7b8..0000000000000
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/footer/index.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
- * 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
- * 2.0.
- */
-import {
- EuiBadge,
- EuiButtonEmpty,
- EuiContextMenuItem,
- EuiContextMenuPanel,
- EuiFlexGroup,
- EuiFlexItem,
- EuiIconTip,
- EuiPopover,
- EuiText,
- EuiToolTip,
- EuiPagination,
-} from '@elastic/eui';
-import { FormattedMessage } from '@kbn/i18n-react';
-import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState, useMemo } from 'react';
-import styled from 'styled-components';
-import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
-import type { OnChangePage } from '../events';
-import { EVENTS_COUNT_BUTTON_CLASS_NAME } from '../helpers';
-import * as i18n from './translations';
-import { timelineActions, timelineSelectors } from '../../../store';
-import { useDeepEqualSelector } from '../../../../common/hooks/use_selector';
-import { useKibana } from '../../../../common/lib/kibana';
-import { LastUpdatedContainer } from './last_updated';
-interface HeightProp {
- height: number;
-const FooterContainer = styled(EuiFlexGroup).attrs(({ height }) => ({
- style: {
- height: `${height}px`,
- },
- flex: 0 0 auto;
-FooterContainer.displayName = 'FooterContainer';
-const FooterFlexGroup = styled(EuiFlexGroup)`
- height: 35px;
- width: 100%;
-FooterFlexGroup.displayName = 'FooterFlexGroup';
-const LoadingPanelContainer = styled.div`
- padding-top: 3px;
-LoadingPanelContainer.displayName = 'LoadingPanelContainer';
-export const ServerSideEventCount = styled.div`
- margin: 0 5px 0 5px;
-ServerSideEventCount.displayName = 'ServerSideEventCount';
-/** The height of the footer, exported for use in height calculations */
-export const footerHeight = 40; // px
-/** Displays the server-side count of events */
-export const EventsCountComponent = ({
- closePopover,
- documentType,
- footerText,
- isOpen,
- items,
- itemsCount,
- onClick,
- serverSideEventCount,
-}: {
- closePopover: () => void;
- documentType: string;
- isOpen: boolean;
- items: React.ReactElement[];
- itemsCount: number;
- onClick: () => void;
- serverSideEventCount: number;
- footerText: string | React.ReactNode;
-}) => {
- const totalCount = useMemo(
- () => (serverSideEventCount > 0 ? serverSideEventCount : 0),
- [serverSideEventCount]
- );
- return (
- {totalCount} {footerText}
- >
- }
- >
- {totalCount}
- {' '}
- {documentType}
- );
-EventsCountComponent.displayName = 'EventsCountComponent';
-export const EventsCount = React.memo(EventsCountComponent);
-EventsCount.displayName = 'EventsCount';
-interface PagingControlProps {
- activePage: number;
- isLoading: boolean;
- onPageClick: OnChangePage;
- totalCount: number;
- totalPages: number;
-const TimelinePaginationContainer = styled.div<{ hideLastPage: boolean }>`
- ul.euiPagination__list {
- li.euiPagination__item:last-child {
- ${({ hideLastPage }) => `${hideLastPage ? 'display:none' : ''}`};
- }
- }
-export const PagingControlComponent: React.FC = ({
- activePage,
- isLoading,
- onPageClick,
- totalCount,
- totalPages,
-}) => {
- if (isLoading) {
- return <>{`${i18n.LOADING}...`}>;
- }
- if (!totalPages) {
- return null;
- }
- return (
- 9999}>
- );
-PagingControlComponent.displayName = 'PagingControlComponent';
-export const PagingControl = React.memo(PagingControlComponent);
-PagingControl.displayName = 'PagingControl';
-interface FooterProps {
- updatedAt: number;
- activePage: number;
- height: number;
- id: string;
- isLive: boolean;
- isLoading: boolean;
- itemsCount: number;
- itemsPerPage: number;
- itemsPerPageOptions: number[];
- onChangePage: OnChangePage;
- totalCount: number;
-/** Renders a loading indicator and paging controls */
-export const FooterComponent = ({
- activePage,
- updatedAt,
- height,
- id,
- isLive,
- isLoading,
- itemsCount,
- itemsPerPage,
- itemsPerPageOptions,
- onChangePage,
- totalCount,
-}: FooterProps) => {
- const dispatch = useDispatch();
- const { timelines } = useKibana().services;
- const [isPopoverOpen, setIsPopoverOpen] = useState(false);
- const [paginationLoading, setPaginationLoading] = useState(false);
- const getManageTimeline = useMemo(() => timelineSelectors.getTimelineByIdSelector(), []);
- const {
- documentType = i18n.TOTAL_COUNT_OF_EVENTS,
- loadingText = i18n.LOADING_EVENTS,
- footerText = i18n.TOTAL_COUNT_OF_EVENTS,
- } = useDeepEqualSelector((state) => getManageTimeline(state, id));
- const handleChangePageClick = useCallback(
- (nextPage: number) => {
- setPaginationLoading(true);
- onChangePage(nextPage);
- },
- [onChangePage]
- );
- const onButtonClick = useCallback(
- () => setIsPopoverOpen(!isPopoverOpen),
- [isPopoverOpen, setIsPopoverOpen]
- );
- const closePopover = useCallback(() => setIsPopoverOpen(false), [setIsPopoverOpen]);
- const onChangeItemsPerPage = useCallback(
- (itemsChangedPerPage: number) =>
- dispatch(timelineActions.updateItemsPerPage({ id, itemsPerPage: itemsChangedPerPage })),
- [dispatch, id]
- );
- const rowItems = useMemo(
- () =>
- itemsPerPageOptions &&
- itemsPerPageOptions.map((item) => (
- {
- closePopover();
- onChangeItemsPerPage(item);
- }}
- >
- {`${item} ${i18n.ROWS}`}
- )),
- [closePopover, itemsPerPage, itemsPerPageOptions, onChangeItemsPerPage]
- );
- const totalPages = useMemo(
- () => Math.ceil(totalCount / itemsPerPage),
- [itemsPerPage, totalCount]
- );
- useEffect(() => {
- if (paginationLoading && !isLoading) {
- setPaginationLoading(false);
- }
- }, [isLoading, paginationLoading]);
- if (isLoading && !paginationLoading) {
- return (
- {timelines.getLoadingPanel({
- dataTestSubj: 'LoadingPanelTimeline',
- height: '35px',
- showBorder: false,
- text: loadingText,
- width: '100%',
- })}
- );
- }
- return (
- {isLive ? (
- }
- type="iInCircle"
- />
- ) : (
- )}
- );
-FooterComponent.displayName = 'FooterComponent';
-export const Footer = React.memo(FooterComponent);
-Footer.displayName = 'Footer';
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/eql/index.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/eql/index.tsx
index 874acc77ed1b7..209b4305d7b91 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/eql/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/eql/index.tsx
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ export const EqlTabContentComponent: React.FC = ({
[end, isBlankTimeline, loadingSourcerer, start]
- const [dataLoadingState, { events, inspect, totalCount, loadPage, refreshedAt, refetch }] =
+ const [dataLoadingState, { events, inspect, totalCount, loadNextBatch, refreshedAt, refetch }] =
endDate: end,
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ export const EqlTabContentComponent: React.FC = ({
totalCount={isBlankTimeline ? 0 : totalCount}
- onFetchMoreRecords={loadPage}
+ onFetchMoreRecords={loadNextBatch}
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/pinned/index.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/pinned/index.tsx
index 3e3b8f6c564c6..07f9772977624 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/pinned/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/pinned/index.tsx
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ export const PinnedTabContentComponent: React.FC = ({
const { augmentedColumnHeaders } = useTimelineColumns(columns);
- const [queryLoadingState, { events, totalCount, loadPage, refreshedAt, refetch }] =
+ const [queryLoadingState, { events, totalCount, loadNextBatch, refreshedAt, refetch }] =
endDate: '',
id: `pinned-${timelineId}`,
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ export const PinnedTabContentComponent: React.FC = ({
- onFetchMoreRecords={loadPage}
+ onFetchMoreRecords={loadNextBatch}
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.test.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.test.tsx
index cfd8f86af9dac..b28b223ce46fd 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.test.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.test.tsx
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import QueryTabContent from '.';
import { defaultRowRenderers } from '../../body/renderers';
import { TimelineId } from '../../../../../../common/types/timeline';
-import { useTimelineEvents } from '../../../../containers';
import { useTimelineEventsDetails } from '../../../../containers/details';
import { useSourcererDataView } from '../../../../../sourcerer/containers';
import { mockSourcererScope } from '../../../../../sourcerer/containers/mocks';
@@ -42,12 +41,20 @@ import { createExpandableFlyoutApiMock } from '../../../../../common/mock/expand
import { OPEN_FLYOUT_BUTTON_TEST_ID } from '../../../../../notes/components/test_ids';
import { userEvent } from '@testing-library/user-event';
import * as notesApi from '../../../../../notes/api/api';
+import { getMockTimelineSearchSubscription } from '../../../../../common/mock/mock_timeline_search_service';
+import * as useTimelineEventsModule from '../../../../containers';
+jest.mock('../../../../../common/utils/route/use_route_spy', () => {
+ return {
+ useRouteSpy: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([
+ {
+ pageName: 'timeline',
+ },
+ ]),
+ };
-jest.mock('../../../../containers', () => ({
- useTimelineEvents: jest.fn(),
@@ -60,8 +67,6 @@ jest.mock('../../../../../sourcerer/containers/use_signal_helpers', () => ({
useSignalHelpers: () => ({ signalIndexNeedsInit: false }),
jest.mock('react-router-dom', () => ({
@@ -72,6 +77,8 @@ jest.mock('react-router-dom', () => ({
+const { mockTimelineSearchSubscription } = getMockTimelineSearchSubscription();
// These tests can take more than standard timeout of 5s
// that is why we are increasing it.
@@ -128,8 +135,32 @@ const customColumnOrder = [
-const mockState = {
- ...structuredClone(mockGlobalState),
+const mockBaseState = structuredClone(mockGlobalState);
+const mockState: typeof mockGlobalState = {
+ ...mockBaseState,
+ timeline: {
+ ...mockBaseState.timeline,
+ timelineById: {
+ [TimelineId.test]: {
+ ...mockBaseState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
+ /* 1 record for each page */
+ itemsPerPage: 1,
+ itemsPerPageOptions: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+ /* Returns 1 records in one query */
+ sampleSize: 1,
+ kqlQuery: {
+ filterQuery: {
+ kuery: {
+ kind: 'kuery',
+ expression: '*',
+ },
+ serializedQuery: '*',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
mockState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test].columns = customColumnOrder;
@@ -144,20 +175,18 @@ const renderTestComponents = (props?: Partial {
- const fetchNotesMock = jest.spyOn(notesApi, 'fetchNotesByDocumentIds');
+ const fetchNotesSpy = jest.spyOn(notesApi, 'fetchNotesByDocumentIds');
beforeAll(() => {
- fetchNotesMock.mockImplementation(jest.fn());
+ fetchNotesSpy.mockImplementation(jest.fn());
jest.mocked(useExpandableFlyoutApi).mockImplementation(() => ({
openFlyout: mockOpenFlyout,
@@ -171,34 +200,30 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
+ const baseKibanaServicesMock = createStartServicesMock();
const kibanaServiceMock: StartServices = {
- ...createStartServicesMock(),
+ ...baseKibanaServicesMock,
storage: storageMock,
+ data: {
+ ...baseKibanaServicesMock.data,
+ search: {
+ ...baseKibanaServicesMock.data.search,
+ search: mockTimelineSearchSubscription,
+ },
+ },
afterEach(() => {
- fetchNotesMock.mockClear();
+ fetchNotesSpy.mockClear();
beforeEach(() => {
- useTimelineEventsMock = jest.fn(() => [
- false,
- {
- events: structuredClone(mockTimelineData.slice(0, 1)),
- pageInfo: {
- activePage: 0,
- totalPages: 3,
- },
- refreshedAt: Date.now(),
- totalCount: 3,
- loadPage: loadPageMock,
- },
- ]);
HTMLElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = jest.fn(() => {
return {
width: 1000,
@@ -214,8 +239,6 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
- (useTimelineEvents as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(useTimelineEventsMock);
(useTimelineEventsDetails as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => [false, {}]);
(useSourcererDataView as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(useSourcererDataViewMocked);
@@ -297,33 +320,24 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
describe('pagination', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- // pagination tests need more than 1 record so here
- // we return 5 records instead of just 1.
- useTimelineEventsMock = jest.fn(() => [
- false,
- {
- events: structuredClone(mockTimelineData.slice(0, 5)),
- pageInfo: {
- activePage: 0,
- totalPages: 5,
+ const mockStateWithNoteInTimeline = {
+ ...mockState,
+ timeline: {
+ ...mockState.timeline,
+ timelineById: {
+ [TimelineId.test]: {
+ ...mockState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
+ /* 1 record for each page */
+ itemsPerPage: 1,
+ itemsPerPageOptions: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+ savedObjectId: 'timeline-1', // match timelineId in mocked notes data
+ pinnedEventIds: { '1': true },
+ /* Returns 3 records */
+ sampleSize: 3,
- refreshedAt: Date.now(),
- /*
- * `totalCount` could be any number w.r.t this test
- * and actually means total hits on elastic search
- * and not the fecthed number of records.
- *
- * This helps in testing `sampleSize` and `loadMore`
- */
- totalCount: 50,
- loadPage: loadPageMock,
- ]);
- (useTimelineEvents as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(useTimelineEventsMock);
- });
+ },
+ };
afterEach(() => {
@@ -331,23 +345,6 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
'should paginate correctly',
async () => {
- const mockStateWithNoteInTimeline = {
- ...mockGlobalState,
- timeline: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline,
- timelineById: {
- [TimelineId.test]: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
- /* 1 record for each page */
- itemsPerPage: 1,
- itemsPerPageOptions: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- savedObjectId: 'timeline-1', // match timelineId in mocked notes data
- pinnedEventIds: { '1': true },
- },
- },
- },
- };
expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-0')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
- expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-4')).toBeVisible();
- expect(screen.queryByTestId('pagination-button-5')).toBeNull();
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-2')).toBeVisible();
+ expect(screen.queryByTestId('pagination-button-3')).toBeNull();
- fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-4'));
+ fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-2'));
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-4')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-2')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
@@ -381,27 +378,6 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
'should load more records according to sample size correctly',
async () => {
- const mockStateWithNoteInTimeline = {
- ...mockGlobalState,
- timeline: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline,
- timelineById: {
- [TimelineId.test]: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
- itemsPerPage: 1,
- /*
- * `sampleSize` is the max number of records that are fetched from elasticsearch
- * in one request. If hits > sampleSize, you can fetch more records ( <= sampleSize)
- */
- sampleSize: 5,
- itemsPerPageOptions: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- savedObjectId: 'timeline-1', // match timelineId in mocked notes data
- pinnedEventIds: { '1': true },
- },
- },
- },
- };
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-0')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
- expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-4')).toBeVisible();
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-2')).toBeVisible();
// Go to last page
- fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-4'));
+ fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-2'));
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(loadPageMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 1);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-2')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-5')).toBeVisible();
+ });
@@ -432,24 +411,6 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
'should load notes for current page only',
async () => {
- const mockStateWithNoteInTimeline = {
- ...mockGlobalState,
- timeline: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline,
- timelineById: {
- [TimelineId.test]: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
- /* 1 record for each page */
- itemsPerPage: 1,
- pageIndex: 0,
- itemsPerPageOptions: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- savedObjectId: 'timeline-1', // match timelineId in mocked notes data
- pinnedEventIds: { '1': true },
- },
- },
- },
- };
expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-0')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
- expect(fetchNotesMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['1']);
+ expect(fetchNotesSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['1']);
// Page : 2
- fetchNotesMock.mockClear();
+ fetchNotesSpy.mockClear();
@@ -477,19 +438,19 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-1')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
- expect(fetchNotesMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, [mockTimelineData[1]._id]);
+ expect(fetchNotesSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, [mockTimelineData[1]._id]);
// Page : 3
- fetchNotesMock.mockClear();
+ fetchNotesSpy.mockClear();
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-2')).toHaveAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
- expect(fetchNotesMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, [mockTimelineData[2]._id]);
+ expect(fetchNotesSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, [mockTimelineData[2]._id]);
@@ -498,24 +459,6 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
'should load notes for correct page size',
async () => {
- const mockStateWithNoteInTimeline = {
- ...mockGlobalState,
- timeline: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline,
- timelineById: {
- [TimelineId.test]: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
- /* 1 record for each page */
- itemsPerPage: 1,
- pageIndex: 0,
- itemsPerPageOptions: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- savedObjectId: 'timeline-1', // match timelineId in mocked notes data
- pinnedEventIds: { '1': true },
- },
- },
- },
- };
- fetchNotesMock.mockClear();
+ fetchNotesSpy.mockClear();
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(fetchNotesMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, [
+ expect(fetchNotesSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, [
@@ -554,6 +497,53 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
+ const openDisplaySettings = async () => {
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('dataGridDisplaySelectorButton')).toBeVisible();
+ fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('dataGridDisplaySelectorButton'));
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getAllByTestId('unifiedDataTableSampleSizeInput')
+ .find((el) => el.getAttribute('type') === 'number')
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ };
+ const updateSampleSize = async (sampleSize: number) => {
+ const sampleSizeInput = screen
+ .getAllByTestId('unifiedDataTableSampleSizeInput')
+ .find((el) => el.getAttribute('type') === 'number');
+ expect(sampleSizeInput).toBeVisible();
+ fireEvent.change(sampleSizeInput as HTMLElement, {
+ target: { value: sampleSize },
+ });
+ };
+ describe('controls', () => {
+ it(
+ 'should reftech on sample size change',
+ async () => {
+ renderTestComponents();
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('discoverDocTable')).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ expect(screen.queryByTestId('pagination-button-1')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ await openDisplaySettings();
+ await updateSampleSize(2);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(screen.getByTestId('pagination-button-1')).toBeVisible();
+ });
+ },
+ );
+ });
describe('columns', () => {
'should move column left/right correctly ',
@@ -640,12 +630,11 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
expect(screen.getByTitle('Unsort New-Old')).toBeVisible();
- useTimelineEventsMock.mockClear();
+ useTimelineEventsSpy.mockClear();
fireEvent.click(screen.getByTitle('Sort Old-New'));
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(useTimelineEventsMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ expect(useTimelineEventsSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
sort: [
@@ -684,12 +673,12 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
expect(screen.getByTitle('Sort A-Z')).toBeVisible();
expect(screen.getByTitle('Sort Z-A')).toBeVisible();
- useTimelineEventsMock.mockClear();
+ useTimelineEventsSpy.mockClear();
fireEvent.click(screen.getByTitle('Sort A-Z'));
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(useTimelineEventsMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ expect(useTimelineEventsSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
sort: [
@@ -739,12 +728,12 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
expect(screen.getByTitle('Sort Low-High')).toBeVisible();
expect(screen.getByTitle('Sort High-Low')).toBeVisible();
- useTimelineEventsMock.mockClear();
+ useTimelineEventsSpy.mockClear();
fireEvent.click(screen.getByTitle('Sort Low-High'));
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(useTimelineEventsMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ expect(useTimelineEventsSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
sort: [
@@ -1212,12 +1201,12 @@ describe('query tab with unified timeline', () => {
'should disable pinning when event has notes attached in timeline',
async () => {
const mockStateWithNoteInTimeline = {
- ...mockGlobalState,
+ ...mockState,
timeline: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline,
+ ...mockState.timeline,
timelineById: {
[TimelineId.test]: {
- ...mockGlobalState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
+ ...mockState.timeline.timelineById[TimelineId.test],
savedObjectId: 'timeline-1', // match timelineId in mocked notes data
pinnedEventIds: { '1': true },
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.tsx
index d15cf2b5539c3..09db2d1f502a2 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/tabs/query/index.tsx
@@ -174,24 +174,22 @@ export const QueryTabContentComponent: React.FC = ({
const { augmentedColumnHeaders, defaultColumns, timelineQueryFieldsFromColumns } =
- const [
- dataLoadingState,
- { events, inspect, totalCount, loadPage: loadNextEventBatch, refreshedAt, refetch },
- ] = useTimelineEvents({
- dataViewId,
- endDate: end,
- fields: timelineQueryFieldsFromColumns,
- filterQuery: combinedQueries?.filterQuery,
- id: timelineId,
- indexNames: selectedPatterns,
- language: kqlQuery.language,
- limit: sampleSize,
- runtimeMappings: sourcererDataView?.runtimeFieldMap as RunTimeMappings,
- skip: !canQueryTimeline,
- sort: timelineQuerySortField,
- startDate: start,
- timerangeKind,
- });
+ const [dataLoadingState, { events, inspect, totalCount, loadNextBatch, refreshedAt, refetch }] =
+ useTimelineEvents({
+ dataViewId,
+ endDate: end,
+ fields: timelineQueryFieldsFromColumns,
+ filterQuery: combinedQueries?.filterQuery,
+ id: timelineId,
+ indexNames: selectedPatterns,
+ language: kqlQuery.language,
+ limit: sampleSize,
+ runtimeMappings: sourcererDataView.runtimeFieldMap as RunTimeMappings,
+ skip: !canQueryTimeline,
+ sort: timelineQuerySortField,
+ startDate: start,
+ timerangeKind,
+ });
const { onLoad: loadNotesOnEventsLoad } = useFetchNotes();
@@ -384,7 +382,7 @@ export const QueryTabContentComponent: React.FC = ({
totalCount={isBlankTimeline ? 0 : totalCount}
leadingControlColumns={leadingControlColumns as EuiDataGridControlColumn[]}
- onFetchMoreRecords={loadNextEventBatch}
+ onFetchMoreRecords={loadNextBatch}
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.test.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.test.tsx
index 3f24fc8df4aa9..99d65ef5101aa 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.test.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.test.tsx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import { useSourcererDataView } from '../../../../../sourcerer/containers';
import type { ComponentProps } from 'react';
import { getColumnHeaders } from '../../body/column_headers/helpers';
import { mockSourcererScope } from '../../../../../sourcerer/containers/mocks';
-import { timelineActions } from '../../../../store';
+import * as timelineActions from '../../../../store/actions';
import { useExpandableFlyoutApi } from '@kbn/expandable-flyout';
import { defaultUdtHeaders } from '../../body/column_headers/default_headers';
@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ jest.mock('react-router-dom', () => ({
const onFieldEditedMock = jest.fn();
const refetchMock = jest.fn();
-const onChangePageMock = jest.fn();
+const onFetchMoreRecordsMock = jest.fn();
const openFlyoutMock = jest.fn();
+const updateSampleSizeSpy = jest.spyOn(timelineActions, 'updateSampleSize');
const initialEnrichedColumns = getColumnHeaders(
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ const TestComponent = (props: TestComponentProps) => {
- onFetchMoreRecords={onChangePageMock}
+ onFetchMoreRecords={onFetchMoreRecordsMock}
@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ describe('unified data table', () => {
afterEach(() => {
+ updateSampleSizeSpy.mockClear();
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ describe('unified data table', () => {
- 'should refetch on sample size change',
+ 'should update sample size correctly',
async () => {
@@ -217,8 +220,11 @@ describe('unified data table', () => {
target: { value: '10' },
+ updateSampleSizeSpy.mockClear();
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(refetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(updateSampleSizeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(updateSampleSizeSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: TimelineId.test, sampleSize: 10 });
@@ -315,7 +321,7 @@ describe('unified data table', () => {
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(onChangePageMock).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 1);
+ expect(onFetchMoreRecordsMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.tsx
index 99e00547f1c33..55ad2fb97def3 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/components/timeline/unified_components/data_table/index.tsx
@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ export const TimelineDataTableComponent: React.FC = memo(
} = useKibana();
const [expandedDoc, setExpandedDoc] = useState();
- const [fetchedPage, setFechedPage] = useState(0);
const onCloseExpandableFlyout = useCallback((id: string) => {
setExpandedDoc((prev) => (!prev ? prev : undefined));
@@ -237,9 +236,8 @@ export const TimelineDataTableComponent: React.FC = memo(
const handleFetchMoreRecords = useCallback(() => {
- onFetchMoreRecords(fetchedPage + 1);
- setFechedPage(fetchedPage + 1);
- }, [fetchedPage, onFetchMoreRecords]);
+ onFetchMoreRecords();
+ }, [onFetchMoreRecords]);
const additionalControls = useMemo(
() => ,
@@ -252,10 +250,9 @@ export const TimelineDataTableComponent: React.FC = memo(
(newSampleSize: number) => {
if (newSampleSize !== sampleSize) {
dispatch(timelineActions.updateSampleSize({ id: timelineId, sampleSize: newSampleSize }));
- refetch();
- [dispatch, sampleSize, timelineId, refetch]
+ [dispatch, sampleSize, timelineId]
const onUpdateRowHeight = useCallback(
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.test.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.test.tsx
index ba0151ff77b59..c41e62dc2d1cd 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.test.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.test.tsx
@@ -6,16 +6,18 @@
import { DataLoadingState } from '@kbn/unified-data-table';
-import { renderHook, act } from '@testing-library/react-hooks';
+import { act, waitFor, renderHook } from '@testing-library/react';
import type { TimelineArgs, UseTimelineEventsProps } from '.';
-import { initSortDefault, useTimelineEvents } from '.';
+import * as useTimelineEventsModule from '.';
import { SecurityPageName } from '../../../common/constants';
import { TimelineId } from '../../../common/types/timeline';
import { useIsExperimentalFeatureEnabled } from '../../common/hooks/use_experimental_features';
-import { mockTimelineData } from '../../common/mock';
import { useRouteSpy } from '../../common/utils/route/use_route_spy';
import { useFetchNotes } from '../../notes/hooks/use_fetch_notes';
-import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/dom';
+import { useKibana } from '../../common/lib/kibana';
+import { getMockTimelineSearchSubscription } from '../../common/mock/mock_timeline_search_service';
+const { initSortDefault, useTimelineEvents } = useTimelineEventsModule;
const mockDispatch = jest.fn();
jest.mock('react-redux', () => {
@@ -31,10 +33,6 @@ jest.mock('../../notes/hooks/use_fetch_notes');
const onLoadMock = jest.fn();
const useFetchNotesMock = useFetchNotes as jest.Mock;
-const mockEvents = mockTimelineData.slice(0, 10);
-const mockSearch = jest.fn();
const useIsExperimentalFeatureEnabledMock = useIsExperimentalFeatureEnabled as jest.Mock;
@@ -46,55 +44,7 @@ jest.mock('../../common/lib/kibana', () => ({
addWarning: jest.fn(),
remove: jest.fn(),
- useKibana: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
- services: {
- application: {
- capabilities: {
- siem: {
- crud: true,
- },
- },
- },
- data: {
- search: {
- search: jest.fn().mockImplementation((args) => {
- mockSearch();
- return {
- subscribe: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ next }) => {
- const timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => {
- next({
- isRunning: false,
- isPartial: false,
- inspect: {
- dsl: [],
- response: [],
- },
- edges: mockEvents.map((item) => ({ node: item })),
- pageInfo: {
- activePage: args.pagination.activePage,
- totalPages: 10,
- },
- rawResponse: {},
- totalCount: mockTimelineData.length,
- });
- }, 50);
- return {
- unsubscribe: jest.fn(() => {
- clearTimeout(timeoutHandler);
- }),
- };
- }),
- };
- }),
- },
- },
- notifications: {
- toasts: {
- addWarning: jest.fn(),
- },
- },
- },
- }),
+ useKibana: jest.fn(),
const mockUseRouteSpy: jest.Mock = useRouteSpy as jest.Mock;
@@ -112,7 +62,40 @@ mockUseRouteSpy.mockReturnValue([
-describe('useTimelineEvents', () => {
+const startDate: string = '2020-07-07T08:20:18.966Z';
+const endDate: string = '3000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';
+const props: UseTimelineEventsProps = {
+ dataViewId: 'data-view-id',
+ endDate,
+ id: TimelineId.active,
+ indexNames: ['filebeat-*'],
+ fields: ['@timestamp', 'event.kind'],
+ filterQuery: '*',
+ startDate,
+ limit: 25,
+ runtimeMappings: {},
+ sort: initSortDefault,
+ skip: false,
+const { mockTimelineSearchSubscription: mockSearchSubscription, mockSearchWithArgs: mockSearch } =
+ getMockTimelineSearchSubscription();
+const loadNextBatch = async (result: { current: [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs] }) => {
+ act(() => {
+ result.current[1].loadNextBatch();
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loadingMore);
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ });
+describe('useTimelineEventsHandler', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
@@ -123,155 +106,136 @@ describe('useTimelineEvents', () => {
onLoad: onLoadMock,
+ (useKibana as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({
+ services: {
+ application: {
+ capabilities: {
+ siem: {
+ crud: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ data: {
+ search: {
+ search: mockSearchSubscription,
+ },
+ },
+ notifications: {
+ toasts: {
+ addWarning: jest.fn(),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ });
- const startDate: string = '2020-07-07T08:20:18.966Z';
- const endDate: string = '3000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z';
- const props: UseTimelineEventsProps = {
- dataViewId: 'data-view-id',
- endDate,
- id: TimelineId.active,
- indexNames: ['filebeat-*'],
- fields: ['@timestamp', 'event.kind'],
- filterQuery: '',
- startDate,
- limit: 25,
- runtimeMappings: {},
- sort: initSortDefault,
- skip: false,
- };
+ test('should init empty response', async () => {
+ const { result } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: props,
+ });
- test('init', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
- const { result, waitForNextUpdate } = renderHook<
- UseTimelineEventsProps,
- [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs]
- >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
- initialProps: { ...props },
- });
+ expect(result.current).toEqual([
+ DataLoadingState.loading,
+ {
+ events: [],
+ id: TimelineId.active,
+ inspect: expect.objectContaining({ dsl: [], response: [] }),
+ loadNextBatch: expect.any(Function),
+ pageInfo: expect.objectContaining({
+ activePage: 0,
+ querySize: 0,
+ }),
+ refetch: expect.any(Function),
+ totalCount: -1,
+ refreshedAt: 0,
+ },
+ ]);
+ });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
+ test('should make events search request correctly', async () => {
+ const { result } = renderHook<[DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs], UseTimelineEventsProps>(
+ (args) => useTimelineEvents(args),
+ {
+ initialProps: props,
+ }
+ );
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ 1,
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ expect(result.current[1].events).toHaveLength(25);
- events: [],
+ events: expect.any(Array),
id: TimelineId.active,
inspect: result.current[1].inspect,
- loadPage: result.current[1].loadPage,
- pageInfo: result.current[1].pageInfo,
+ loadNextBatch: result.current[1].loadNextBatch,
+ pageInfo: {
+ activePage: 0,
+ querySize: 25,
+ },
refetch: result.current[1].refetch,
- totalCount: -1,
- refreshedAt: 0,
+ totalCount: 32,
+ refreshedAt: result.current[1].refreshedAt,
- test('happy path query', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
- const { result, waitForNextUpdate, rerender } = renderHook<
- UseTimelineEventsProps,
- [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs]
- >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
- initialProps: { ...props, startDate: '', endDate: '' },
- });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- await waitFor(() => {
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
- expect(result.current).toEqual([
- DataLoadingState.loaded,
- {
- events: mockEvents,
- id: TimelineId.active,
- inspect: result.current[1].inspect,
- loadPage: result.current[1].loadPage,
- pageInfo: result.current[1].pageInfo,
- refetch: result.current[1].refetch,
- totalCount: 32,
- refreshedAt: result.current[1].refreshedAt,
- },
- ]);
- });
+ test('should mock cache for active timeline when switching page', async () => {
+ const { result, rerender } = renderHook<
+ [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs],
+ UseTimelineEventsProps
+ >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: props,
- });
- test('Mock cache for active timeline when switching page', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
- const { result, waitForNextUpdate, rerender } = renderHook<
- UseTimelineEventsProps,
- [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs]
- >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
- initialProps: { ...props, startDate: '', endDate: '' },
- });
+ mockUseRouteSpy.mockReturnValue([
+ {
+ pageName: SecurityPageName.timelines,
+ detailName: undefined,
+ tabName: undefined,
+ search: '',
+ pathName: '/timelines',
+ },
+ ]);
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
+ rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate });
- mockUseRouteSpy.mockReturnValue([
- {
- pageName: SecurityPageName.timelines,
- detailName: undefined,
- tabName: undefined,
- search: '',
- pathName: '/timelines',
- },
- ]);
- await waitFor(() => {
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
- expect(result.current).toEqual([
- DataLoadingState.loaded,
- {
- events: mockEvents,
- id: TimelineId.active,
- inspect: result.current[1].inspect,
- loadPage: result.current[1].loadPage,
- pageInfo: result.current[1].pageInfo,
- refetch: result.current[1].refetch,
- totalCount: 32,
- refreshedAt: result.current[1].refreshedAt,
- },
- ]);
- });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(result.current[1].events).toHaveLength(25);
+ expect(result.current).toEqual([
+ DataLoadingState.loaded,
+ {
+ events: expect.any(Array),
+ id: TimelineId.active,
+ inspect: result.current[1].inspect,
+ loadNextBatch: result.current[1].loadNextBatch,
+ pageInfo: result.current[1].pageInfo,
+ refetch: result.current[1].refetch,
+ totalCount: 32,
+ refreshedAt: result.current[1].refreshedAt,
+ },
+ ]);
test('Correlation pagination is calling search strategy when switching page', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
- const { result, waitForNextUpdate, rerender } = renderHook<
- UseTimelineEventsProps,
- [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs]
- >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
- initialProps: {
- ...props,
- language: 'eql',
- eqlOptions: {
- eventCategoryField: 'category',
- tiebreakerField: '',
- timestampField: '@timestamp',
- query: 'find it EQL',
- size: 100,
- },
- },
- });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- rerender({
+ const { result, rerender } = renderHook<
+ [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs],
+ UseTimelineEventsProps
+ >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: {
- startDate,
- endDate,
language: 'eql',
eqlOptions: {
eventCategoryField: 'category',
@@ -280,32 +244,102 @@ describe('useTimelineEvents', () => {
query: 'find it EQL',
size: 100,
+ },
+ });
+ // useEffect on params request
+ await waitFor(() => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(null)));
+ rerender({
+ ...props,
+ startDate,
+ endDate,
+ language: 'eql',
+ eqlOptions: {
+ eventCategoryField: 'category',
+ tiebreakerField: '',
+ timestampField: '@timestamp',
+ query: 'find it EQL',
+ size: 100,
+ },
+ });
+ // useEffect on params request
+ await waitFor(() => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(null)));
+ mockSearch.mockReset();
+ act(() => {
+ result.current[1].loadNextBatch();
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1));
+ });
+ describe('error/invalid states', () => {
+ const uniqueError = 'UNIQUE_ERROR';
+ const onError = jest.fn();
+ const mockSubscribeWithError = jest.fn(({ error }) => {
+ error(uniqueError);
+ });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ onError.mockClear();
+ mockSubscribeWithError.mockClear();
+ (useKibana as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({
+ services: {
+ data: {
+ search: {
+ search: () => ({
+ subscribe: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ error }) => {
+ const requestTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ mockSubscribeWithError({ error });
+ }, 100);
+ return {
+ unsubscribe: () => {
+ clearTimeout(requestTimeout);
+ },
+ };
+ }),
+ }),
+ showError: onError,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ test('should broadcast correct loading state when request throws error', async () => {
+ const { result } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props },
+ });
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loading);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(onError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(uniqueError);
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ });
+ });
+ test('should should not fire any request when indexName is empty', async () => {
+ const { result } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props, indexNames: [] },
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- mockSearch.mockReset();
- result.current[1].loadPage(4);
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
- test('should query again when a new field is added', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
- const { waitForNextUpdate, rerender } = renderHook<
- UseTimelineEventsProps,
- [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs]
- >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
- initialProps: { ...props, startDate: '', endDate: '' },
+ describe('fields', () => {
+ test('should query again when a new field is added', async () => {
+ const { rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: props,
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
@@ -315,83 +349,332 @@ describe('useTimelineEvents', () => {
fields: ['@timestamp', 'event.kind', 'event.category'],
+ await waitFor(() => expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1));
+ });
+ test('should not query again when a field is removed', async () => {
+ const { rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: props,
+ });
await waitFor(() => {
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ rerender({ ...props, fields: ['@timestamp'] });
+ await waitFor(() => expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0));
+ });
+ test('should not query again when a removed field is added back', async () => {
+ const { rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: props,
+ });
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ // remove `event.kind` from default fields
+ rerender({ ...props, fields: ['@timestamp'] });
+ await waitFor(() => expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0));
+ // request default Fields
+ rerender({ ...props });
+ await waitFor(() => expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0));
- test('should not query again when a field is removed', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
- const { waitForNextUpdate, rerender } = renderHook<
- UseTimelineEventsProps,
- [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs]
- >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
- initialProps: { ...props, startDate: '', endDate: '' },
+ describe('batching', () => {
+ test('should broadcast correct loading state based on the batch being fetched', async () => {
+ const { result } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props },
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loading);
+ });
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
- mockSearch.mockClear();
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ });
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate, fields: ['@timestamp'] });
+ act(() => {
+ result.current[1].loadNextBatch();
+ });
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loadingMore);
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ });
- });
- test('should not query again when a removed field is added back', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
- const { waitForNextUpdate, rerender } = renderHook<
- UseTimelineEventsProps,
- [DataLoadingState, TimelineArgs]
- >((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
- initialProps: { ...props, startDate: '', endDate: '' },
+ test('should request incremental batches when next batch has been requested', async () => {
+ const { result } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props },
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate });
- // useEffect on params request
- await waitForNextUpdate();
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ 1,
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
- // remove `event.kind` from default fields
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate, fields: ['@timestamp'] });
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ 1,
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 1, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
- // request default Fields
- rerender({ ...props, startDate, endDate });
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
- expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ 1,
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 2, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
- });
- test('should return the combined list of events for all the pages when multiple pages are queried', async () => {
- await act(async () => {
+ test('should fetch new columns data for the all the batches ', async () => {
+ const { result, rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props },
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ });
+ ////////
+ // fetch 2 more batches before requesting new column
+ ////////
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ ///////
+ rerender({ ...props, fields: [...props.fields, 'new_column'] });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({
+ fields: ['@timestamp', 'event.kind', 'new_column'],
+ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 75 },
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ test('should reset batch to 0th when the data is `refetched`', async () => {
const { result } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
initialProps: { ...props },
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 1, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ act(() => {
+ result.current[1].refetch();
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(
+ 1,
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ test('should query all batches when new column is added', async () => {
+ const { result, rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props },
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 1, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ rerender({ ...props, fields: [...props.fields, 'new_column'] });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 50 } })
+ );
+ });
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 2, querySize: 25 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ test('should combine batches correctly when new column is added', async () => {
+ const { result, rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props, limit: 5 },
+ });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[1].events.length).toBe(5);
+ });
+ //////////////////////
+ // Batch 2
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[1].events.length).toBe(10);
+ });
+ //////////////////////
+ //////////////////////
+ // Batch 3
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[1].events.length).toBe(15);
+ });
+ //////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ // add new column
+ // Fetch all 3 batches together
+ rerender({ ...props, limit: 5, fields: [...props.fields, 'new_column'] });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loadingMore);
+ });
+ // should fetch all the records together
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(result.current[1].events).toHaveLength(10);
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ expect(result.current[1].events.length).toBe(15);
+ expect(result.current[1].pageInfo).toMatchObject({
+ activePage: 0,
+ querySize: 15,
+ });
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////
+ // subsequent batch should be fetched incrementally
+ // Batch 4
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[1].events.length).toBe(20);
+ expect(result.current[1].pageInfo).toMatchObject({
+ activePage: 3,
+ querySize: 5,
+ });
+ });
+ //////////////////////
+ //////////////////////
+ // Batch 5
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[1].events.length).toBe(25);
+ expect(result.current[1].pageInfo).toMatchObject({
+ activePage: 4,
+ querySize: 5,
+ });
+ });
+ //////////////////////
+ });
+ test('should request 0th batch (refetch) when batchSize is changed', async () => {
+ const { result, rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props, limit: 5 },
+ });
+ //////////////////////
+ // Batch 2
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ //////////////////////
+ // Batch 3
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ mockSearch.mockClear();
+ // change the batch size
+ rerender({ ...props, limit: 10 });
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ expect(mockSearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ pagination: { activePage: 0, querySize: 10 } })
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ test('should return correct list of events ( 0th batch ) when batchSize is changed', async () => {
+ const { result, rerender } = renderHook((args) => useTimelineEvents(args), {
+ initialProps: { ...props, limit: 5 },
+ });
+ //////////////////////
+ // Batch 2
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
+ //////////////////////
+ // Batch 3
+ await loadNextBatch(result);
- result.current[1].loadPage(1);
+ // change the batch size
+ rerender({ ...props, limit: 10 });
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(result.current[0]).toEqual(DataLoadingState.loadingMore);
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loading);
await waitFor(() => {
- expect(result.current[1].events).toHaveLength(20);
+ expect(result.current[0]).toBe(DataLoadingState.loaded);
+ expect(result.current[1].events.length).toBe(10);
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.tsx b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.tsx
index bd9d9e9bbb4df..ca0bea1be47d9 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.tsx
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/security_solution/public/timelines/containers/index.tsx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export interface TimelineArgs {
inspect: InspectResponse;
- * `loadPage` loads the next page/batch of records.
+ * `loadNextBatch` loads the next page/batch of records.
* This is different from the data grid pages. Data grid pagination is only
* client side and changing data grid pages does not impact this function.
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export interface TimelineArgs {
* irrespective of where user is in Data grid pagination.
- loadPage: LoadPage;
+ loadNextBatch: LoadPage;
pageInfo: Pick;
refetch: inputsModel.Refetch;
totalCount: number;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ type OnNextResponseHandler = (response: TimelineArgs) => Promise | void;
type TimelineEventsSearchHandler = (onNextResponse?: OnNextResponseHandler) => void;
-type LoadPage = (newActivePage: number) => void;
+type LoadPage = () => void;
type TimelineRequest = T extends 'kuery'
? TimelineEventsAllOptionsInput
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
const abortCtrl = useRef(new AbortController());
const searchSubscription$ = useRef(new Subscription());
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(DataLoadingState.loaded);
- const [activePage, setActivePage] = useState(
+ const [activeBatch, setActiveBatch] = useState(
id === TimelineId.active ? activeTimeline.getActivePage() : 0
const [timelineRequest, setTimelineRequest] = useState | null>(
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
}, [dispatch, id]);
- * `wrappedLoadPage` loads the next page/batch of records.
+ * `loadBatchHandler` loads the next batch of records.
* This is different from the data grid pages. Data grid pagination is only
* client side and changing data grid pages does not impact this function.
@@ -192,18 +192,23 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
* irrespective of where user is in Data grid pagination.
- const wrappedLoadPage = useCallback(
- (newActivePage: number) => {
+ const loadBatchHandler = useCallback(
+ (newActiveBatch: number) => {
if (id === TimelineId.active) {
- activeTimeline.setActivePage(newActivePage);
+ activeTimeline.setActivePage(newActiveBatch);
- setActivePage(newActivePage);
+ setActiveBatch(newActiveBatch);
[clearSignalsState, id]
+ const loadNextBatch = useCallback(() => {
+ loadBatchHandler(activeBatch + 1);
+ }, [activeBatch, loadBatchHandler]);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
@@ -214,8 +219,13 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
if (refetch.current != null) {
- wrappedLoadPage(0);
- }, [wrappedLoadPage]);
+ loadBatchHandler(0);
+ }, [loadBatchHandler]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // when batch size changes, refetch DataGrid
+ setActiveBatch(0);
+ }, [limit]);
const [timelineResponse, setTimelineResponse] = useState({
@@ -230,7 +240,7 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
querySize: 0,
events: [],
- loadPage: wrappedLoadPage,
+ loadNextBatch,
refreshedAt: 0,
@@ -246,7 +256,8 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
const asyncSearch = async () => {
prevTimelineRequest.current = request;
abortCtrl.current = new AbortController();
- if (activePage === 0) {
+ if (activeBatch === 0) {
} else {
@@ -317,7 +328,6 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
} else {
prevTimelineRequest.current = activeTimeline.getRequest();
- refetch.current = asyncSearch;
setTimelineResponse((prevResp) => {
const resp =
@@ -325,11 +335,7 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
? activeTimeline.getEqlResponse()
: activeTimeline.getResponse();
if (resp != null) {
- return {
- ...resp,
- refetch: refetchGrid,
- loadPage: wrappedLoadPage,
- };
+ return resp;
return prevResp;
@@ -343,19 +349,8 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
await asyncSearch();
- refetch.current = asyncSearch;
- [
- pageName,
- skip,
- id,
- activePage,
- startTracking,
- data.search,
- dataViewId,
- refetchGrid,
- wrappedLoadPage,
- ]
+ [pageName, skip, id, activeBatch, startTracking, data.search, dataViewId]
useEffect(() => {
@@ -368,7 +363,6 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
const prevSearchParameters = {
defaultIndex: prevRequest?.defaultIndex ?? [],
filterQuery: prevRequest?.filterQuery ?? '',
- querySize: prevRequest?.pagination?.querySize ?? 0,
sort: prevRequest?.sort ?? initSortDefault,
timerange: prevRequest?.timerange ?? {},
runtimeMappings: (prevRequest?.runtimeMappings ?? {}) as unknown as RunTimeMappings,
@@ -382,16 +376,15 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
const currentSearchParameters = {
defaultIndex: indexNames,
filterQuery: createFilter(filterQuery),
- querySize: limit,
- runtimeMappings,
+ runtimeMappings: runtimeMappings ?? {},
- const newActivePage = deepEqual(prevSearchParameters, currentSearchParameters)
- ? activePage
- : 0;
+ const areSearchParamsSame = deepEqual(prevSearchParameters, currentSearchParameters);
+ const newActiveBatch = !areSearchParamsSame ? 0 : activeBatch;
* optimization to avoid unnecessary network request when a field
@@ -410,16 +403,32 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
finalFieldRequest = prevRequest?.fieldRequested ?? [];
+ let newPagination = {
+ /*
+ *
+ * fetches data cumulatively for the batches upto the activeBatch
+ * This is needed because, we want to get incremental data as well for the old batches
+ * For example, newly requested fields
+ *
+ * */
+ activePage: activeBatch,
+ querySize: limit,
+ };
+ if (newFieldsRequested.length > 0) {
+ newPagination = {
+ activePage: 0,
+ querySize: (newActiveBatch + 1) * limit,
+ };
+ }
const currentRequest = {
defaultIndex: indexNames,
factoryQueryType: TimelineEventsQueries.all,
fieldRequested: finalFieldRequest,
fields: finalFieldRequest,
filterQuery: createFilter(filterQuery),
- pagination: {
- activePage: newActivePage,
- querySize: limit,
- },
+ pagination: newPagination,
@@ -427,10 +436,10 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
...(eqlOptions ? eqlOptions : {}),
} as const;
- if (activePage !== newActivePage) {
- setActivePage(newActivePage);
+ if (activeBatch !== newActiveBatch) {
+ setActiveBatch(newActiveBatch);
if (id === TimelineId.active) {
- activeTimeline.setActivePage(newActivePage);
+ activeTimeline.setActivePage(newActiveBatch);
if (!deepEqual(prevRequest, currentRequest)) {
@@ -441,7 +450,7 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
}, [
- activePage,
+ activeBatch,
@@ -454,19 +463,6 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
- const timelineSearchHandler = useCallback(
- async (onNextHandler?: OnNextResponseHandler) => {
- if (
- id !== TimelineId.active ||
- timerangeKind === 'absolute' ||
- !deepEqual(prevTimelineRequest.current, timelineRequest)
- ) {
- await timelineSearch(timelineRequest, onNextHandler);
- }
- },
- [id, timelineRequest, timelineSearch, timerangeKind]
- );
cleanup timeline events response when the filters were removed completely
to avoid displaying previous query results
@@ -486,13 +482,34 @@ export const useTimelineEventsHandler = ({
querySize: 0,
events: [],
- loadPage: wrappedLoadPage,
+ loadNextBatch,
refreshedAt: 0,
- }, [filterQuery, id, refetchGrid, wrappedLoadPage]);
+ }, [filterQuery, id, refetchGrid, loadNextBatch]);
- return [loading, timelineResponse, timelineSearchHandler];
+ const timelineSearchHandler = useCallback(
+ async (onNextHandler?: OnNextResponseHandler) => {
+ if (
+ id !== TimelineId.active ||
+ timerangeKind === 'absolute' ||
+ !deepEqual(prevTimelineRequest.current, timelineRequest)
+ ) {
+ await timelineSearch(timelineRequest, onNextHandler);
+ }
+ },
+ [id, timelineRequest, timelineSearch, timerangeKind]
+ );
+ const finalTimelineLineResponse = useMemo(() => {
+ return {
+ ...timelineResponse,
+ loadNextBatch,
+ refetch: refetchGrid,
+ };
+ }, [timelineResponse, loadNextBatch, refetchGrid]);
+ return [loading, finalTimelineLineResponse, timelineSearchHandler];
export const useTimelineEvents = ({
@@ -536,19 +553,32 @@ export const useTimelineEvents = ({
* the combined list of events can be supplied to DataGrid.
* */
+ if (dataLoadingState !== DataLoadingState.loaded) return;
+ const { activePage, querySize } = timelineResponse.pageInfo;
setEventsPerPage((prev) => {
- const result = [...prev];
- result[timelineResponse.pageInfo.activePage] = timelineResponse.events;
+ let result = [...prev];
+ if (querySize === limit) {
+ result[activePage] = timelineResponse.events;
+ } else {
+ result = [timelineResponse.events];
+ }
return result;
- }, [timelineResponse.events, timelineResponse.pageInfo.activePage]);
+ }, [timelineResponse.events, timelineResponse.pageInfo, dataLoadingState, limit]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!timelineSearchHandler) return;
}, [timelineSearchHandler]);
- const combinedEvents = useMemo(() => eventsPerPage.flat(), [eventsPerPage]);
+ const combinedEvents = useMemo(
+ // exclude undefined values / empty slots
+ () => eventsPerPage.filter(Boolean).flat(),
+ [eventsPerPage]
+ );
const combinedResponse = useMemo(
() => ({
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/eql/helpers.ts b/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/eql/helpers.ts
index 645f6daa5727d..81012f0229dcf 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/eql/helpers.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/eql/helpers.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { inspectStringifyObject } from '../../../utils/build_query';
import { formatTimelineData } from '../factory/helpers/format_timeline_data';
export const buildEqlDsl = (options: TimelineEqlRequestOptions): Record => {
- if (options.pagination && options.pagination.querySize >= DEFAULT_MAX_TABLE_QUERY_SIZE) {
+ if (options.pagination && options.pagination.querySize > DEFAULT_MAX_TABLE_QUERY_SIZE) {
throw new Error(`No query size above ${DEFAULT_MAX_TABLE_QUERY_SIZE}`);
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/factory/events/all/index.ts b/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/factory/events/all/index.ts
index 2ee2b64162c13..e54daafa3854c 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/factory/events/all/index.ts
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/search_strategy/timeline/factory/events/all/index.ts
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import { formatTimelineData } from '../../helpers/format_timeline_data';
export const timelineEventsAll: TimelineFactory = {
buildDsl: ({ authFilter, ...options }) => {
- if (options.pagination && options.pagination.querySize >= DEFAULT_MAX_TABLE_QUERY_SIZE) {
+ if (options.pagination && options.pagination.querySize > DEFAULT_MAX_TABLE_QUERY_SIZE) {
throw new Error(`No query size above ${DEFAULT_MAX_TABLE_QUERY_SIZE}`);
const { fieldRequested, ...queryOptions } = cloneDeep(options);
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/fr-FR.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/fr-FR.json
index bfb08fb7efd10..a64f1accfd1b2 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/fr-FR.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/fr-FR.json
@@ -41137,7 +41137,6 @@
"xpack.securitySolution.flyout.user.closeButton": "fermer",
"xpack.securitySolution.flyout.user.preview.viewDetailsLabel": "Afficher tous les détails de l'utilisateur",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.autoRefreshActiveDescription": "Actualisation automatique active",
- "xpack.securitySolution.footer.autoRefreshActiveTooltip": "Lorsque l'actualisation automatique est activée, la chronologie vous montrera les {numberOfItems} derniers événements correspondant à votre recherche.",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.cancel": "Annuler",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.data": "données",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.events": "Événements",
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
index 5d2da827ad783..2ca5590d2aeb7 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/ja-JP.json
@@ -41103,7 +41103,6 @@
"xpack.securitySolution.flyout.user.closeButton": "閉じる",
"xpack.securitySolution.flyout.user.preview.viewDetailsLabel": "すべてのユーザー詳細を表示",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.autoRefreshActiveDescription": "自動更新アクション",
- "xpack.securitySolution.footer.autoRefreshActiveTooltip": "自動更新が有効な間、タイムラインはクエリーに一致する最新の {numberOfItems} 件のイベントを表示します。",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.cancel": "キャンセル",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.data": "データ",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.events": "イベント",
diff --git a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
index 9b470b1a2455e..3663eb1129999 100644
--- a/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
+++ b/x-pack/plugins/translations/translations/zh-CN.json
@@ -41171,7 +41171,6 @@
"xpack.securitySolution.flyout.user.closeButton": "关闭",
"xpack.securitySolution.flyout.user.preview.viewDetailsLabel": "显示全部用户详情",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.autoRefreshActiveDescription": "自动刷新已启用",
- "xpack.securitySolution.footer.autoRefreshActiveTooltip": "自动刷新已启用时,时间线将显示匹配查询的最近 {numberOfItems} 个事件。",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.cancel": "取消",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.data": "数据",
"xpack.securitySolution.footer.events": "事件",