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-๏ปฟ# Windows App SDK - Calling all Windows developers!
-*Previously known as Project Reunion*.
-| Delight users with modern UI | Access new platform features | Backwards compatible |
-| Powerful WinUI 3 UI | Localization + power status + more | Down to Windows 10 1809 |
-...and more, **without having to rewrite your app!**
-* Use your current installer *(no requirement to use MSIX, but there are [reliability/security benefits to using MSIX](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/msix/overview#key-features)!)*
-* Additive platform APIs *(only add what you need, leave the rest of your app as-is)*
-* Works with Win32, WPF, WinForms, and more apps
-Plus, **create beautiful, modern apps for Windows 11 that are backwards compatible** to Windows 10 October 2018 Update (build 17763 / version 1809)!
-### Version support
-The Windows App SDK aims to work on supported versions of Windows.
-Right now we support down to build 17763 (version 1809/October 2018 Update) of Windows 10.
-Wherever possible, we'll use techniques like '_polyfills_'
-and custom implementations to do the
-heavy lifting for you and make sure your app works across Windows versions and devices.
-In the future, there may be a couple APIs that are dependent on new OS features
-(like new Action Center functionality),
-however we will do our best to ensure
-this is the exception and not the norm, and provide reasonable fallbacks when possible.
-### Helpful links
-* [More details about the Windows App SDK](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/blob/master/docs/README.md) -
-More on what the project is and how we're approaching the work.
-* [Video on Windows App SDK](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/enterprise-development-futures-project-reunion/m-p/2177278) - Learn about the Windows App SDK in a 22 minute video!
-* [Contributor guide](docs/contributor-guide.md) - How to contribute to the Windows App SDK.
-* [FAQ](docs/faq.md) - Frequently asked questions about the Windows App SDK.
-* [Developer docs](https://aka.ms/windowsappsdkdocs) - Microsoft documentation covering a wide range of Windows App SDK topics.
-* [Samples](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK-Samples) - Discover Windows App SDK samples to assist in learning how to use the latest features!
-### Contributing
-_We want to hear from you!_
-File a [new issue!](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/new/choose) Tell us what problem you're
-trying to solve, how you've tried to solve it so far, and what would be the ideal solution for your app. Bonus
-points if there's a gist or existing repo we can look at with you.
+[Windows App SDK](https://aka.ms/winappsdk) (formerly Project Reunion) is a set of libraries, frameworks, components, and tools that you can use in your apps to access powerful Windows platform functionality from all kinds of apps on many versions of Windows. The Windows App SDK combines the powers of Win32 native applications alongside modern API usage techniques, so your apps light up everywhere your users are.
+- **WinUI 3 support:** [WinUI](https://aka.ms/winui) embodies Fluent Design to enable intuitive, accessible, and powerful experiences and the latest user interface patterns.
+- **Access modern features:** [Modern resource tooling](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/11), [modern lifecycle helpers](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/9), [startup tasks](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/10), and more without having to rewrite your app.
+- **Backwards compatibility:** Down to Windows 10 1809 (build 17763). There may be some API that are dependent on new OS features
+(like new Action Center functionality), however we will do our best to ensure this is the exception and not the norm, and provide reasonable fallbacks when possible.
+- **Wide platform support:** Win32, WPF, WinForms, and more.
+- **Use your current installer:** no requirement to use MSIX, but there are [reliability/security benefits to using MSIX](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/msix/overview#key-features).
+## ๐ Getting started with Windows App SDK
+* [Build your first app with Windows App SDK](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/apps/winui/winui3/create-your-first-winui3-app)
+* [Developer documentation](https://aka.ms/windowsappsdkdocs)
+* [Samples & resources](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/apps/get-started/samples)
+ * [Windows App SDK samples](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK-Samples)
+ * [WinUI 3 Gallery](https://github.com/microsoft/WinUI-Gallery)
+ * [AI Dev Gallery (Preview)](https://github.com/microsoft/ai-dev-gallery)
+ * [Windows Community Toolkit](https://github.com/CommunityToolkit/Windows)
+ * [Template Studio](https://github.com/microsoft/TemplateStudio)
+* [FAQ](docs/faq.md)
+* [Contribution guide](docs/contributor-guide.md)
+* [Roadmap](./docs/roadmap.md)
+* Windows App SDK family repositories
+ * [WinUI](https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml)
+ * [C++/WinRT](https://github.com/microsoft/CppWinRT) and [C#/WinRT](https://github.com/microsoft/CsWinRT)
+ * [MSIX packaging](https://github.com/microsoft/msix-packaging)
+## ๐จโ๐ป Join in and stay connected
+Interested in WinUI and Windows App SDK? Come join us on the quarterly [WinUI Community Calls](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI_J2v67C23ZqsolUDaHoFkF1GKvGrttB).
+You can find and tag us on X using [#WindowsAppSDK](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WindowsAppSDK).
+## ๐ผ๏ธ WinUI 3 Gallery
+Make sure to also check out the [WinUI 3 Gallery](https://aka.ms/winui-gallery), our interactive sample experience showing everything you can do with WinUI and Windows App SDK.
+## ๐ข Contributing
+- **[File a new issue](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/new/choose):** Tell us what problem you're trying to solve, how you've tried to solve it so far, and what would be the ideal solution for your app. Bonus points if there's a gist or existing repo we can look at with you.
+- **[Ask a question](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/discussions/categories/q-a):** Also, have a look at our [FAQ on WinAppSDK](docs/faq.md) page, which we will update periodically.
+- **[Start a discussion](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/discussions):** Let's start a Discussion issue to see if others are interested in a cool new idea you've been thinking about that isn't quite ready to be filed as a more formal Feature Proposal.
+- **[Code contributions](docs/contributor-guide.md):** See our [contributing guidelines](docs/contributor-guide.md).
+## Data collection
-1. **[Ask a question](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/discussions/categories/q-a)**
- Also, have a look at our [frequently asked questions](docs/faq.md) page which we will update periodically.
+This project collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft to help improve our products and services. Note, however, that no data collection is performed when using your private builds.
-2. **[Start a discussion](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/discussions)**
- Discussions can be about any topics or ideas related to the Windows App SDK. For example,
- you might start a Discussion issue to see if others are interested in a cool new idea
- you've been thinking about that isn't quite ready to be filed as a more formal Feature Proposal.
+Privacy information can be found at https://privacy.microsoft.com
-3. **[Code contributions](docs/contributor-guide.md)**
- More information regarding [contributing and developer guidelines here](docs/contributor-guide.md).
+## Code of Conduct
-## Data collection
+This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct).
-The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it
-to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our
-products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository.
-There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect
-data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with
-applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications
-together with a copy of Microsoft's privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located
-at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=824704. You can learn more about data collection
-and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software
-operates as your consent to these practices.
-## Legal notices
-Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft documentation and other content
-in this repository under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode),
-see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file, and grant you a license to any code in the repository under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), see the
-Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Azure and/or other Microsoft products and services referenced in the documentation
-may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries.
-The licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Microsoft names, logos, or trademarks.
-Microsoft's general trademark guidelines can be found at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=254653.
-Privacy information can be found at https://privacy.microsoft.com/
-Microsoft and any contributors reserve all other rights, whether under their respective copyrights, patents,
-or trademarks, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise.
+For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq) or
+contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.
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-# Welcome to MRT Core!
MRT Core
-## Overview
+**MRT Core** (formaly, Core MRT) is implemented as a part of [Windows App SDK](https://aka.ms/windowsappsdk) so that develoers can utilize MRT (Modern Resource Technology), which was introduced to Windows 8 as a part of UWP and evolved as the modern resource management system. MRT Core provides support to build resources to Package Resource Index (PRI) files and load resources from PRI files.
-### What is MRT Core?
-Thanks for asking! MRT Core was born from the need for [Windows App SDK](https://aka.ms/windowsappsdk) applications to use MRT - Modern Resource Technology. MRT was introduced to Windows in the Windows 8 timeframe and has evolved as the resource management system since that time. You can use these links to learn more about [MRT and resource management](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/app-resources/resource-management-system) as well as the benefits of [globalization and localization](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/design/globalizing/globalizing-portal).
+## Accessibility
-> If you're looking for Core MRT, you're in the right place! Internal project naming was Core MRT and so some of our external communication has also used that terminology - sorry for any confusion! But rest assured, Core MRT or MRT Core, you're in the right place! ๐
+- WASDK 1.0 onwards: [Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/windows-app-sdk/api/winrt/microsoft.windows.applicationmodel.resources)
+- Prior to WASDK 1.0: [Microsoft.ApplicationModel.Resources](https://learn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/windows-app-sdk/api/winrt/microsoft.applicationmodel.resources?view=windows-app-sdk-0.8)
-### So what does it do?
-At its *core* ๐ MRT Core provides support to build resource Package Resource Index (PRI) files, and load resources from PRI files. [Learn more about PRI files at this link.](https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/app-resources/resource-management-system)
+## Getting started with MRT Core
-## Getting Started
-Install the NuGet package from [https://aka.ms/MRTCore](https://aka.ms/MRTCore), and you are ready to build PRI files from Visual Studio
-and use MRT Core APIs to load resources in your app.
+- [About MRT Core & PRI](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/apps/windows-app-sdk/mrtcore/mrtcore-overview)
+- [Migrate from MRT in UWP to MRT Core in WASDK](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/apps/windows-app-sdk/migrate-to-windows-app-sdk/guides/mrtcore)
+- [Globalization and localization](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/apps/design/globalizing/globalizing-portal)
+- [Qualify your resources](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/apps/windows-app-sdk/mrtcore/tailor-resources-lang-scale-contrast)
+- [Localize your strings](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/apps/windows-app-sdk/mrtcore/localize-strings)
+- [About PRI in Win32](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/pri-indexing-reference)
-The C APIs can be found in [mrm.h](mrt/Core/src/MRM.h). The WinRT APIs can be found in [Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.idl](mrt/Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources/src/Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.idl).
+## Building from source
-## Build and Test
-Load [MrtCore.sln](mrt/MrtCore.sln) in Visual Studion 2019, and build the solution.
+Open Visual Studio with `MrtCore.sln` and build the solution.
-Run the tests in Test Explorer.
-## Contribute
-This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to
-agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to,
-and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit
-When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need
-to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the
-instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repositories using our CLA.
-## Code of Conduct
-This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/).
-For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/) or
-contact [opencode@microsoft.com](mailto:opencode@microsoft.com) with any additional questions or comments.
-## Data Collection
-The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it
-to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our
-products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository.
-There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect
-data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with
-applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications
-together with a copy of Microsoft's privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located
-at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=824704. You can learn more about data collection
-and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software
-operates as your consent to these practices.
-## Legal Notices
-Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft documentation and other content
-in this repository under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode),
- and grant you a license to any code in the repository under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), see the
-[LICENSE](../../LICENSE) file.
-Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Azure and/or other Microsoft products and services referenced in the documentation
-may be either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft in the United States and/or other countries.
-The licenses for this project do not grant you rights to use any Microsoft names, logos, or trademarks.
-Microsoft's general trademark guidelines can be found at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=254653.
-Privacy information can be found at https://privacy.microsoft.com/
-Microsoft and any contributors reserve all other rights, whether under their respective copyrights, patents,
-or trademarks, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise.
+The source code consists of three parts:
+- [The core runtime](mrt/mrm)
+ - [PRI builder](mrt/mrm/include/mrm/build)
+- [Flat-C API](mrt/Core/src/MRM.h) over the core runtime
+- [WinRT API](mrt/Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources) wrapping the flat-C API
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-# What is Windows App SDK?
-Windows App SDK is **a set of libraries, frameworks, components, and tools that you can
-use in your apps to access powerful Windows platform functionality from all kinds of
-apps on many versions of Windows**. Windows App SDK combines the powers of Win32 native
-applications alongside modern API usage techniques, so your apps light up everywhere
-your users are.
-Your app can use the parts of Windows App SDK that are most interesting to you without
- having to rewrite it into a new app model or deployment system. Windows App SDK
-provides a single consistent API surface for both new and existing functionality that
-automatically adapts to your preferred app model and deployment mechanism. Windows App SDK
-helps you move towards a modern API and app style without requiring you to make
- a hard choice to rewrite it or re-implement it across versions of Windows.
-This repo contains the Windows App SDK components that are common for all applications.
-Look for the **"Windows App SDK Family"** badge in other repos showing that their code is
-using Windows App SDK techniques and tooling. Your own components can be part of the
-"Windows App SDK Family" by following the same principles and practices as Windows App SDK
-itself - support all forms of apps with a single API surface and meet
-developers where they are with the tools they need to build great apps on Windows.
-Using Windows App SDK will be as simple as adding a reference to our NuGet packages in
-your build.
# What Windows App SDK Brings
Windows App SDK functionality comes in three main categories - new APIs, converged APIs,
@@ -31,8 +5,9 @@ and API subsets. Your apps can pick up each different level of functionality **
own pace**.
## New APIs
Whenever possible, new Windows functionality will be delivered as part of the Windows App SDK
-Family. APIs and functionality delivered as "New" are identity-, packaging-,
+Family. APIs and functionality delivered as "New" are identity-, packaging-,
and isolation- transparent to your application. New functionality will share a common
interface for you to use whether your app is MSIX, MSI, setup.exe, Desktop Bridge, or
@@ -61,6 +36,7 @@ supported versions of Windows and for all apps. Where certain APIs behave differ
with clear "TheType.IsSupported" checks.
## Converged APIs
Windows App SDK provides API surfaces that bridge the gap between Win32 and UWP/AppContainer
functionality already within the platform. Authors of shared code (like frameworks) can
use a single method and avoid their own "if (AppContainer) { x } else { y }" checks.
@@ -99,6 +75,7 @@ reference user resources while respecting user choice & privacy controls.
![Converged APIs](images/converged-apis-image-2.png)
## Subset API Family
Windows App SDK helps you stay within the set of APIs that Windows supports on all
editions and all endpoints. Like the Windows Kit API partitions, Windows App SDK
defines a subset of supported Windows Platform APIs that work across all versions of
@@ -130,33 +107,8 @@ is still in planning for a future release. Let us know by
[filing an issue](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/new/choose)
with the "**subset**" tag on it and list the APIs and functionality you'd like to see.
+# Coming soon
-# Windows App SDK Family Components
-## Available Now
-These components are available for you to use now and adhere to the "Windows App SDK
-Family Promise" that they have a single API for use in all kinds of applications.
-* **[WinUI](https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml)**
-is the native UI layer for Windows that embodies Fluent Design and delivers
-modern, performant, and polished user experiences to both Win32 and UWP apps.
-This component is part of the Windows App SDK Family of functionality, building
-on the identity + packaging + deployment transparent ideas that Windows App SDK
-supports for your app as well.
-* **[C++/WinRT](https://github.com/microsoft/cppwinrt)** and
-provide language-native projections of Windows,
-Windows App SDK, and your own custom types defined in metadata. Consume APIs from
-the Windows Kit, produce them for use by other supported projections, and create your
-own new language projections.
-* **[MSIX-Core](https://github.com/microsoft/msix-packaging)**
-lets you package your application for distribution to Windows Desktop machines
-via the store or your own delivery pipeline. MSIX-Core lets you use the reuse parts
-of the MSIX packaging story on older versions of Windows.
-## Coming Soon
While we think these are interesting for applications, you tell us! Part of working in
the open is that we learn together about the needs of application developers. Below are
a set of functionality that seems interesting to make available through a Converged or
@@ -164,22 +116,10 @@ New model, but you tell us! Some are linked to an issue thread proposing the fun
+1 the ones you like, comment on the detailed design & direction, and help us shape where
we're going.
-* **Edge/Chromium backed WebView2** brings the ease of authoring your app in HTML+JS once
+* **Edge/Chromium-based WebView2** brings the ease of authoring your app in HTML+JS once
and reusing it on all platforms. WebView2's use of Windows App SDK technologies like
WinUI3 as a hosting frame lets you run modern web-based UX on all editions of Windows.
-* **[Modern Lifecycle helpers](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/9)**
-help your app be power-sensitive and reactive to changes in
-the runtime system's power management and user state. They also help your app restart
-after the user reboots, register your app so it can be restarted, and reduce update-related
-* **[Startup Tasks](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/10)**
-make your app come alive as the user logs in to reconnect, start working
-while not over-using resources, or be ready for fast use. User choice and power management
-features let you reduce your impact on the critical logon path.
* **Update Scan Integration** help keep your app up to date automatically while running at
the same time as other system maintenance tasks are happening.
@@ -187,9 +127,6 @@ the same time as other system maintenance tasks are happening.
AppContainer apps can access powerful Win32 technologies like the clipboard, inter-process
communication, and the Windows Shell Namespace with user consent through brokering.
-* **[Modern Resource Tooling](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/issues/11)**
-so you can use the power of ResX/ResW in your Win32 applications
-instead of MUI.
# Future direction
We aim to grow Windows App SDK to provide a modern, simple, and accessible version of much
of the power of the Windows Application Platform. Working in the open with our development
@@ -211,29 +148,8 @@ widest range of Windows editions and releases while using up-to-date functionali
# How we are doing this
-## Working in the open
-Windows App SDK relies on the power of open-source and the features of GitHub to deliver
-code to you as fast as we can dream it up. You should feel free to fork, create pull
-requests, open issues, and propose resolutions to issues. You can see and influence all
-our features via the issue tracker. You should expect that we listen and provide constructive
-## Build & Artifacts
-Code within the Windows App SDK GitHub repo builds on a CI/CD loop and produces freshly
-built DLLs and metadata on each pull request. The output includes a NuGet package containing
-metadata for Windows App SDK and a ready-to-deliver MSIX for inclusion in your application as
-a redistributable or as a package reference. Add a reference to the Windows App SDK package
-and start building. To help deploy your apps we'll include both a Framework Package MSIX
-as well as instructions on how to deploy that MSIX from your existing installer.
-## Versioning
-Windows App SDK will use strongly-typed metadata-based API definitions on which your apps
-can take a long-term dependency following our published support lifecycle. We'll use SemVer 2
-to clearly identify breaking API shape levels that let those APIs evolve forward towards
-new functionality while not compromising existing apps. Windows App SDK helps keep apps up
-to date through Framework Packages that are updated with non-breaking changes as appropriate.
## Extending APIs
Some of what Windows App SDK provides is access to functionality that is inside Windows,
but for which there is no public API. We're working on the details, but our plan is to
deliver a secondary package of code that provides a public API over those previously unexposed
@@ -241,16 +157,8 @@ components. While those components will be implemented as closed-source they'll
a metadata-based publicly callable & supported API surface and be included in the Windows App SDK
framework packages for use by apps.
-## Brokering
-UWPs (AppContainer, Low-IL) processes are meant to protect both the user and the application
-itself from other applications. Access to user & system resources is limited to the supported
-set of brokers for those resources. Windows App SDK also includes a main package that runs
-at the user's integrity level (medium-IL, sometimes called "full trust") and can provide
-user-approved access to resources previously unavailable to AppContainer and low-IL processes.
-This pattern is available to AppContainer apps today as a "full trust component" -
-Windows App SDK aims to provide a common pattern & platform for these custom components.
# What Windows App SDK isn't
Windows App SDK **isn't a new application model** or platform from Windows. There won't be a
"new Windows App SDK App" template for Visual Studio, VSCode, or other development environments.
You'll still have full access to the Windows SDK and associated kits. Over time the features
@@ -271,10 +179,3 @@ functionality that evolves alongside your application's needs.
Windows App SDK **isn't a way to run your app in the cloud**. Using Windows App SDK technology
will help get your app on modern API families that are cloud ready. Key components like modern
lifecycle and state isolation help get your app ready to run wherever your customers are.
-# More documentation
-* [High level overview](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/blob/master/README.md) - Why we're doing this.
-* [Roadmap](roadmap.md) - See what we're planning and how to join in!
-* [Contributor guide](contributor-guide.md) - How to contribute to Windows App SDK.
-* [FAQ](faq.md) - frequently asked questions about Windows App SDK.
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# Windows App SDK Roadmap
This roadmap frames how the Windows Development Platform team will deliver the Windows App SDK (WinAppSDK) and various technologies contained within, focused on the year ahead. It is intended to be the best entry point to conceptualize what's happening in the WinAppSDK, so you can form plans/strategies around this technology.
Details of this roadmap may change, and when they do, we'll strive to update the roadmap with the new information in a timely way. We aim to update this roadmap after every major public release (such as 1.4.0) when the details for the next release are ready to share.
## Mission
-Empower developers to create the richest & most engaging native apps & surfaces for the Windows ecosystem.
-## Road to the next release
-Our next WinAppSDK release will be version 1.6, expected to arrive in the second half of 2024 (24H2). In this release, the WinAppSDK's main goals are to focus on quality, performance, and a smoother overall user and developer experience.
+We aim to grow Windows App SDK to provide a modern, simple, and accessible version of much of the power of the Windows Application Platform. Working in the open with our development community ensures we're doing the right things first to solve problems your apps are facing on current and future versions of Windows.
-### Upcoming features for the Windows App SDK 1.6
+Some functionality will be delivered first as Windows App SDK components. As we think about evolving the platform it's important to make sure new functionality & features are available to our developer community just as soon as they're ready to go. Where there's newer in-platform functionality to use Windows App SDK will help you adopt that as soon as it's widely available, without you having to retarget or rewrite - the same Windows App SDK API surface will continue to work.
-Headline areas of work and features for the 1.6 timeframe include:
+As your app uses more Windows App SDK functionality it'll be ready for additional targets such as packaging, identity, AppContainer, and other future Windows Editions. Depending on Windows App SDK APIs means we take on the work to keep these APIs working as Windows evolves forward. Staying within the Windows App SDK API surface ensures your app can address the widest range of Windows editions and releases while using up-to-date functionality.
-- **Windows App SDK**
- - Addressing top issues related to the WinAppSDK installer
-- **WinUI 3**
- - Addressing top control issues
- - Adding support for C# Native AOT
- - Fixing some general performance issues
- - Upgrading the default TitleBar and beginning on a new TitleBar control
- - A better tab dragging experience
- - Enhancing the developer experience including IntelliSense and x:Bind improvements
- - Progressing on the following work that is expected to finish in 1.7+:
- - TableView control
- - Inking control
- - Cross-process Islands
- - Smooth app resize
-## Join in and stay connected!
-Technologies within the Windows App SDK have already benefitted greatly from the incredible feedback and insights the community has provided around features to build, and bugs to fix.
+## Road to the next release
-*Thank you* for your continued passion and drive to make Windows App SDK the best platform it can be; it has really made a difference!
+Our next WinAppSDK release will be version 1.7, expected to arrive around 25H1. In this release, the main goals are to focus on quality, performance, and a smoother overall user and developer experience.
-You can join in by contributing to existing issues, or filing a new issue on the [Windows App SDK](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK) or [WinUI](https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml) GitHub repos. If you're interested in WinUI 3, come join us on the live Windows Development [Community Calls](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI_J2v67C23ZqsolUDaHoFkF1GKvGrttB), which are hosted quarterly. Finally, you can find and tag us on X (formerly Twitter) using [#WindowsAppSDK](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WindowsAppSDK).
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+For more info, please visit [WinAppSDK 1.7 Plans](https://github.com/microsoft/WindowsAppSDK/discussions/4710).