Releases: microsoft/moabian
v3.0.23 RC5
- Tapping the power button will not only restart the menu, but it will now (quickly) reset the firmware.
- Show FW version on boot
- Power button tap restarts menu (handy in case of crash)
- Fast cold-boot-to-joystick time: 25 seconds instead of 45
- Streaming image from camera sent to http://moab.local (or use the IP address)
- --verbose mode flags unexpected SPI bus error
- bot.json is no longer version controlled. Default hue 45° is canonical orange.
- ball outline color now matches calibration color
- menu.service will restart if crashes (not SIGTERM or SIGINT)
- calibrated hue value saved in filename to /tmp/
- tapping power button will restart menu if it's not running
- menu.service/ robust to either one running
- new option: -c / --cont to startup in a specific controller (0-7)
bot console
: launches 4 panels in tmux to ease debuggingbot csv
: tail -f on /tmp/csv.log for debugging- added verbose flag (-v, -vv, -vvv) to throttle TX/RX buffer printing
- brains trained with constraints will throw uncaught errors
- need high-pass filter on joystick so motors don't buzz
- calibration of new ball color needs to run twice
v3.0.11 Alpha
v3.0.11 alpha (with same FW version)
- Double the streaming image size
- Set MOABIAN version on install
- Use click for args and black because
- Shorten info screen
- Use the new pad 8 byte function
- Isolate GPIO setup for SIGINT handling
- Deprecate as entry point
- Add a nice repr for EnvState
- No longer need to make some *.py executable
- Grabbing the GPIO pin forces a firmware reset. This takes at least 1
second. If the user hits ctrl-c, gracefully handle the exception.
v2.4.1 Mobian
Image used on the first set of M2 robots with serial number M2-xxx50
and greater.
Changes from v.2.4.0
Power button wasn't lowering the plate and clearing screen. #1
Related to testing on a bot that had a jumper pin still installed.
Uncovered the wrong signal being snet.The --signal=2 flag corresponds to SIGINT, a signal the
controller is listening for. When received it lowers the plate and
clears the OLED screen.The default signal is SIGKILL wasn't being caught, resulting in the
controller quitting without lowering the plate.Also, this service runs as "pi" since RPi.GPIO is installed with pip
install --user. This user does have password-less sudo privelages, as
part of default Debian install. -
Plate was slamming on some production bots #2
This lowers it to a comfortable "hover", about 1cm above the white cowling.
New MOABIAN environment variable will contain version num
Single point to update for new releases: moab/os/files/etc/environment.
It's copied to /etc/environment and sourced on login.
This is likely the first release that's shipping out on production bots. I have a few hundred ready to go to our customers and partners. Thanks to all that had a hand in this endeavour, especially: Fresh • Ella, Nissa, Scotty, Conor, Mitch, Matthew, Kyle, Cole, Avi, Grant, Terence, Peter, Chris, Sean and Jeff. Microsoft Project Bonsai • Journey, Ani, Mike, John, Paul, Kirill, Kenny, Denise, Ambika, Victor, Sarah, Keen, Mark, Kence, Hilary, Anjian, Emily, Eric and Gurdeep. 3DR • Chris. Albina • Ben and Cyndi.
- menu and web server start on launch
- added "CALIB INFO" menu item
v.2.4.0 Moabian
First public release!