Available time: 6 months / 24 weeks Start (planed): 17. April 2014 End (approximated): 17. October 2014
Rough plan: 2 Weeks Exploration 3 Weeks Design of specification language 5-6 Weeks Implementation of first-order generator 9-10 Weeks Implementation of type checker generator 2 Weeks Developing Case Studies 2 Weeks Proof reading, Code Cleanup, …
- Develop a prototype for the simply-typed lambda calculus
- Read about type systems for case studies
- Explore how well automated theorem provers are suited for checking derivability / admissability of extensions or type checking in general
- Search for related work
- Questions that need to be answered:
- How to make the language independent of the source language?
- How to model side conditions in type systems that remain in semi-formal or non-mechanical systems implicit?
- How to make the rules reusable?
- Is there some natural distinction between building blocks of the typing rules?
- Define the structure of the AST in an agnostic way
- Create a library for transforming and analysing specifications with the goal to have a clear interface for implementations besides the two planed ones.
- Create an abstract syntax that can be pretty printed in arbitrary first-order formula representations, also provide a clear interface for that
- Create a test suite that tries to type check example programs using different theorem provers
- Generate example programs from the type rules to enable automated testing and have a good base coverage
- Think about limitations of first-order theorem provers with regard to type checking
- Analyse the type checkers already available and written in spoofax
- Check related work that touches
- general design of type systems
- optimizations
- problems on implementing certain kinds of type checkers
- What does “fast” actually mean? How can we justify that our type checker is fast?
- What can be done to ensure that the type checker is correct? Is there any way to obtain strong guarantees (ideally proofs) of the correctness of the generated type checker
- [#A] Defining a type system for C would be useful for the group
- [#B] Defining a type system for C++’s template system
- Security type systems, e.g. for the detection of information flows
- Automation of proofs by translation into first-order formulas and exploiting the possibility of using […].
- Figure out, what are the restrictions of the results, which applications are prevented by them