Releases: trixi-framework/Trixi.jl
Releases · trixi-framework/Trixi.jl
Trixi v0.2.3
Closed issues:
- Make
more general and support errors of primitive variables (#162)
Merged pull requests:
Trixi v0.2.2
Closed issues:
- cons2prim, cons2entropy etc. should be implemented point-wise in equations, element-wise in solver (#8)
- Pre-calculate AMR projection matrices and store with DG solver (#13)
- Exploit tensor structure for AMR projections (#15)
- Check performance of interpolate_nodes! (#130)
- Reduce 3D tests (#163)
Merged pull requests:
- improved implementations of
(#145) (@ranocha) - debugging of AMR for ideal compressible GLM-MHD equations (#152) (@andrewwinters5000)
- Rename Trixi2X.convert -> trixi2X (#155) (@sloede)
- Implementation of mortars with nonconservative terms for 3d glm-mhd (#156) (@andrewwinters5000)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Trixi2Img" to "0.2" for package docs (#157) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Trixi2Vtk" to "0.2" for package docs (#158) (@github-actions[bot])
- reduce some unnecessary memory allocations in IO (#160) (@ranocha)
- made problems in 3d testing smaller and run faster (#165) (@andrewwinters5000)
- add codecov.yml (#168) (@ranocha)
Trixi v0.2.1
Closed issues:
- Make allocations of
et al. type stable (#58) - Adapt
etc. (#89) - Migrate Trixi repository to GitHub (#101)
- Trixi.jl announcement on Discourse (#146)
Merged pull requests:
- add function to compute jacobian of DG operator with simple finite di… (#151) (@gregorgassner)
- fix flux_shima_etal (#153) (@ranocha)
Trixi v0.2.0
Closed issues:
- Optimize file/directory structure (#12)
- Adapt
for shock_capturing (#90) - Postprocessing: Own package or staus quo? Tests (#103)
- PkgEval badge (#106)
- Support multiple dimensions (#125)
- Create a split-form kernel that can be used for split foms and shock capturing (#137)
- Is it possible to run tests in parallel... (#138)
- MHD needs split forms (#141)
- Improve coverage once more (#144)
- Add necessary steps for creating a new release to docs (#149)
Merged pull requests:
Trixi v0.1.2
Trixi v0.1.1
Trixi v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- Separate
into individual matrices (#1) - Reduce allocations in volume integral and surface flux calculations (#2)
- Allow selective timing in
(#3) - Visualize element data (#5)
- Create testing tool for automated testing (#6)
- Rename
for consistency with FLUXO (#7) - How to avoid clutter with many arguments being passed to methods? (#11)
- Remove ArgParse to reduce startup time and replace by manual argument parsing (#16)
- Discuss, fix, and document how we want to handle package installation etc. (#20)
- Fix asymmetry in blast wave test (#22)
- postprocessing (#23)
- plotting in Atom (#25)
- Fix automatic installation of Trixi dependencies (#26)
- Show AMR info in
output (#27) - Plot 1D time dependent data (#29)
- Visualisation of AMR Data (#30)
- Add MHD equations (#31)
- README adjustments, general Pkg question (#32)
- Delete
branch (#33) - Remove GaussQuadrature from dependencies (#34)
- Implement nonconservative terms (#36)
- Track regular TimerOutputs package once
is in a proper release (#37) - Add tool for automated EOC analysis [REPLACEMENT ISSUE] (#39)
- Add hyperbolic diffusion-type equation system (#41)
- Enable automated testing (#43)
- When to use type annotations for function parameters: best practice and what to do in Trixi? (#44)
- Use CompatHelper (when moving to GitHub?) (#45)
- Add parameter file for EOC testing with Euler and MHD (#46)
- Add L2/Linf checking to tests [REPLACEMENT ISSUE] (#47)
- Usage of unicode (#48)
- Increase test coverage [REPLACEMENT ISSUE] (#49)
- Move numerical fluxes to solvers (#50)
- Use initial_conditions as functions (#51)
- Use sources as functions (#52)
- Use volume fluxes as functions (#53)
- Restructuring arguments of numerical fluxes (#56)
- Remove support for command-line execution of Trixi (#59)
- Reduce number of submodules (#60)
- Increase indent to four spaces instead of two (#61)
- Rename yuichi (#63)
- Use traits/functions instead of fields for fixed values (#64)
- Fix documentation generation & postprocessing tools (#65)
- Prefix flux functions by
(#67) - Implement source terms similar to fluxes and initial conditions (#69)
- Fuse some operations at the element level? (#71)
- Analyze equation state vector (#72)
- Add fast cases to test AMR indicators khi, blob and blast_wave [REPLACEMENT ISSUE] (#75)
- Error in
calculation ofcalc_mhd_solenoid_condition
(#76) - Missing parentheses in lax_friedrichs_flux for linear advection (#77)
- Is there an issue with conservation for MHD? (#78)
- Add example with EC mortars using shock capturing [REPLACEMENT ISSUE] (#79)
- Order of function parameters:
(#80) - Where to put docstrings for functions with methods in different files? (#81)
- Rename ideal MHD to ideal GLM-MHD (#82)
- Compressible Euler with several initial conditions does not work (#84)
- Weird behaviour of parameters_alfven_wave.toml with constant initial conditions in REPL (#85)
- Switch to Julia 1.5 once it is officially available (#93)
- Fix double meaning of
(#94) - Example file parameters_sedov_blast_wave_shockcapturing_amr.toml fails (#95)
- Use a comment character for analysis file header (#97)
- Remove allocations in
(#99) - Add
entry for each dependency (#100) - Move element_ids_dg and element_ids_dgfv (#102)
- Make tests independent of working directory and OS (#104)
Merged pull requests:
- add .zenodo.json (#105) (@ranocha)
- make tests safer and rename files repro->paper (#107) (@ranocha)
- remove bin/trixi and support only running Trixi from the REPL (#108) (@ranocha)
- enable tests on osx on Travis (#112) (@ranocha)
- enable tests on appveyor (#114) (@ranocha)
- run Travis on osx only for push to master (#115) (@ranocha)
- Clean up old references to GitLab (#116) (@sloede)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "StaticArrays" at version "0.12" (#117) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "TimerOutputs" at version "0.5" (#118) (@github-actions[bot])
- new compat entries suggesetd by CompatHelper (#122) (@ranocha)