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The interface works in my BBC Micro. I included resisters everywhere two outputs could be active at the same time, like in the hand-drawn schematic. So it should be safe. But: Use at your own risk!
- active level shifters (74LVC125AD) instead of voltage dividers
- 3.3 V voltage regulator
- no pull-ups on PB2, PB3, PB4, marked with VDD ? in the hand-drawn schematic (maybe I should add them, if the port is configured as input)
I ordered PCBs from JLCPCB. Just use the file jlcpcb/production_files/
Use the HTML-based BOM tool in /bom
I bought a microSD card slot on eBay, but I don't have a specific part number.
Make sure the right angle connector is mounted like in the 2D rendering. Pin 1 is the sqare pad. Make sure this corresponds with pin 1 of your port!