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A Multiple Compiler Framework for Improved Performance and Efficiency


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The MCompiler compilation framework allows each loop nest in the application to be optimized by the best optimizer available for it. The MCompiler identifies loop nests in C applications, optimizes the loop nests using different code optimizers, times each optimized code version in execution of its complete application, and links the best performing code to generate the complete application binary. This is referred to as the Exploratory Search method of the MCompiler. The MCompiler can work with code optimizers such as GNU GCC, LLVM Clang, etc. In addition to these, two Polyhedral Model based loop optimizers, Polly and Pluto are used, if applicable. The best loop nest code selection allows the MCompiler to produce higher-performing code than the best of the code optimizers in the framework. The MCompiler benefits from the entire compilation process (loop transformations and optimizations, and code generation) implemented in each of the code optimizers. The framework allows for easy integration of newer versions and newer configurations of the available code optimizers as well as the addition of new code optimizers.

The framework can be used to optimize applications, first, for serial execution with autovectorization of loop nests. This optimizes loop nests for SIMD or vector code generation, in addition to optimizing loop nests for data locality, memory hierarchy, etc. Second, the framework can also target multi-core processors, by taking serial loop nest code as input and auto-parallelizing those loop nests using the available code optimizers to generate multithreaded code. Auto-parallelized code is also optimized for SIMD execution within each thread. In this case, the original loop nests are transformed such that loop iterations can be reordered and scheduled for parallel execution across the multiple cores. Third, the framework can target OpenMP applications, i.e., applications with OpenMP directives inserted across sections of the code meant for parallel execution.

The framework extracts loop nests from the applications’ source files into separate source files as a function, together with any additional information needed. It then replaces loop nests with a function call in the original source files. This allows for separate code optimizers to focus on just the loop nests and also allows the framework to insert the best performing code, i.e., linking object files to generate the executable.

The MCompiler also incorporates Machine Learning models that learn inherent characteristics using the hardware performance counter and predict the most suited code optimizer for a given loop nest. Using predictions provide a substitute for the expensive Exploratory Search step of the framework. The hardware performance counters are collected from a single profile of the applications, i.e., the applications are compiled with just one code optimizer and then executed ones. However, as with any prediction, it can lead to a potential performance loss compared to search-based selection due prediction errors, i.e., when the ML model or classifier does not choose the best code optimizer

Installation (Ubuntu 16+)

  1. Clone repo
  2. Build ROSE(version: or above)
  3. Build Boost(version: 1.61.0)
  4. Build OpenCV(version: 4.0 or above)
  5. Add path to Rose(Build), Boost and OpenCV header and library files in the Makefile.

Installation (Ubuntu 18+)

  1. Clone repo
  2. Install ROSE (Boost included) using apt.
  3. Add path to Rose header and library files in the Makefile.

Building Tools

Recommended ROSE building method: GNU autotools.

ROSE Installation Guide

Installing ROSE using apt:

apt-get install -y software-properties-common
add-apt-repository -y ppa:rosecompiler/rose-stable # Replace rose-development with rose-stable for release version
apt-get install -y rose
apt-get install -y rose-tools # Optional: Installs ROSE tools in addition to ROSE Core

Recommended ROSE installation method: GNU autotools.

Other Installation Guide

If CUDA is not installed, add -Denable-cuda:BOOL=off in ROSE CMake build.

Building the MCompiler

GCC/G++ version-4.9, 5.4 or above.

Use make to generate the executable.

Using the MCompiler

Run the executable without any arguments to see all available options.

This should create a folder in the current directory called MCompiler_data.

Inside there should be a base file (i.e. similar to original file but without loop nests) and multiple loop nest files (i.e. files containing extracted loop nests that are called from the base file).

All required header files are copied to the data folder and pre-processing of the source files is done while loop extraction.

Multiple source files can be provided in the command line to the MCompiler. Just like you would do for compiling a C/C++ project.

To tell the MCompiler to skip extracting a loop nest, use #pragma MC skiploop over the loop nest in the source file.


Formatting Style: clang-format -style="{BasedOnStyle: llvm, AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true}" -i


A Multiple Compiler Framework for Improved Performance and Efficiency







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