Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use.
Write your CSS rules without vendor prefixes (in fact, forget about them entirely):
:fullscreen a {
transition: transform 1s
Process your CSS by Autoprefixer:
var prefixed = autoprefixer.process(css).css;
It will use the data on current browser popularity and properties support to apply prefixes for you:
:-webkit-full-screen a {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s;
transition: transform 1s
:-moz-full-screen a {
transition: transform 1s
:-ms-fullscreen a {
transition: transform 1s
:fullscreen a {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s;
transition: transform 1s
You can play with your CSS in the interactive demo of Autoprefixer.
Twitter account for news and releases: @autoprefixer.
Sponsored by Evil Martians. Based on PostCSS framework.
The best tool is a tool you can't see and one that does the work for you. This is the main idea behind Autoprefixer.
Autoprefixer interface is simple: just forget about vendor prefixes and write normal CSS according to the latest W3C specs. You don’t need a special language (like Sass) or special mixins.
Because Autoprefixer is a postprocessor for CSS, you can also use it with preprocessors, such as Sass, Stylus or LESS.
Autoprefixer uses the most recent data from Can I Use, understands which browsers are actual and popular and adds only the necessary vendor prefixes.
It also cleans your CSS from old prefixes (like prefixed border-radius
produced by many CSS libraries):
a {
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px
compiles to:
a {
border-radius: 5px
Note, that Autoprefixer doesn’t load Can I Use data every time. This data is already packed in the release, so the same Autoprefixer version will always have same output.
Flexbox or gradients have different syntaxes in different browsers (sometimes you need to recalculate angles, sometimes you need 2 old properties instead of new one), but Autoprefixer hides this from you.
Just code by latest W3C specs and Autoprefixer will produce the code for old browsers:
a {
display: flex;
compiles to:
a {
display: -webkit-box;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -moz-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex
Autoprefixer has 22 special hacks to fix browser’s differences.
Autoprefixer is about several times faster than Compass and Stylus.
On a Core i7 with 10 GB of RAM and SSD, benchmark with GitHub styles is:
~/Dev/autoprefixer$ ./node_modules/.bin/cake bench
Load GitHub styles
Autoprefixer: 466 ms
Compass: 2828 ms (6.1 times slower)
Stylus: 1491 ms (3.2 times slower)
Unlike -prefix-free, Autoprefixer compiles CSS once on deploy and doesn’t hurt client-side performance.
You can specify the browsers you want to target in your project:
autoprefixer("last 1 version", "> 1%", "Explorer 7").process(css).css;
last 2 versions
is last versions for each browser. Like “last 2 versions” strategy in Google.last 2 Chrome versions
is last versions of the specified browser.> 5%
is browser versions, selected by global usage statistics.Firefox > 20
is Firefox versions newer than 20.Firefox >= 20
is Firefox version 20 or newer.Firefox ESR
is the latest Firefox ESR version.none
don’t set any browsers to clean CSS from any vendor prefixes.ios 7
to set browser version directly.
Blackberry and stock Android browsers will not be used in last n versions
You can add them by name:
autoprefixer("last 1 version", "BlackBerry 10", "Android 4").process(css).css;
Browsers names (case insensitive):
for old Android stock browser.BlackBerry
for Blackberry browser.Chrome
for Google Chrome.Firefox
for Mozilla Firefox.Explorer
for Internet Explorer.iOS
for iOS Safari.Opera
for Opera.Safari
for desktop Safari.
By default, Autoprefixer uses > 1%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, Opera 12.1
- Latest Firefox ESR is a 24 version.
- Opera 12.1 will be in list until Opera supports non-Blink 12.x branch.
You must set input and output CSS files paths (by from
and to
to generate a correct map.
Autoprefixer can modify previous source maps (for example, from Sass):
it will autodetect a previous map if it is listed in an annotation comment or
in a file near the input CSS. You can disable source map with map: false
set the previous source map content manually to map
option (as a string or a
JS object).
var result = autoprefixer.process(css, {
map: fs.readFileSync(''),
from: 'main.sass.css',
to: 'main.min.css'
result.css //=> CSS with source map annotation comment //=> Source map from main.sass to main.min.css
Autoprefixer supports inline source maps too. If input CSS contains annotation
from the previous step with map in data:uri
, Autoprefixer will update the
source map with prefixes changes and inine the new map back into the output CSS.
You can read more about source map options in PostCSS documentation.
Autoprefixer can change CSS indentation to create a nice visual cascade
of prefixes. You need to send cascade: true
option to processor constructor:
autoprefixer("> 1 %", "last 2 version", { cascade: true }).process(css).css
and, if CSS will be uncompressed, output would be like:
a {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box
You can check which browsers are selected and which properties will be prefixed:
info = autoprefixer("last 1 version").info();
Or by CLI command:
autoprefixer -i
No. Autoprefixer only adds prefixes, not polyfills. There are two reasons:
- Prefixes and polyfills are very different and need a different API. Two separate libraries would be much better.
- Most of IE polyfills are very bad for client perfomance. They use slow hacks and old IEs is mostly used on old hardware. Most CSS3 features used only for styling should be ignored in old IEs as is recommended for Graceful Degradation.
Check that you use correct direction syntax. For example, you should use
to bottom
instead of top
a {
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, white, black)
Unfortunately, unprefixed gradients use a different direction syntax and most examples you find use an old gradient syntax, so be careful and use always the latest W3C specs with Autoprefixer.
Developers are often surprised by how few prefixes are required today. If Autoprefixer doesn’t add prefixes to your CSS, check if they’re still required on Can I Use.
If a prefix is required, but Autoprefixer doesn’t add it or adds it incorrectly, please report an issue and include your source CSS and expected output.
Unlike transition
, the appearance
property is not a part of
any specification. So there is no appearance
, only -moz-appearance
and -webkit-appearance
. Quote from MDN:
Do not use this property on Web sites: not only is it non-standard, but its behavior changes from one browser to another. Even the keyword
does not have the same behavior on each form element across different browsers, and some do not support it at all.
JavaScript is very popular, but this is the same reason why its syntax does not evolve. There is an entire Internet with a lot of legacy code which should be supported by browsers. If developers add an inappropriate feature then it can’t be removed in then next versions but must be supported for a very long time. This is very bad for innovation. To create new, we need to experiment and to choose.
As a result JavaScript doesn’t have even basic syntax features, which are present in other languages like Ruby or Python. There are no string interpolation, short lambda syntax, foreach statement for arrays, string and arrays slicing, etc. This features are really important and they will be in ECMAScript 6 (first update of JS syntax after 15 years), but this new specification is still not released and, of course, we must wait until all browsers support it.
With JavaScript preprocessors like CoffeeScript or TypeScript we can bring innovation back. We can add a new operator and use it right now, without waiting for support in all browsers.
Autoprefixer was written in pure JavaScript before. But CoffeeScript made Autoprefixer code much cleaner and more readable. Often, 2 lines of code became 1.
Don’t be afraid of CoffeeScript. It is just a new syntax, not another language (like ClojureScript). You can open examples on and start to code. After a week your eyes will adjust and you will see that CoffeeScript is cleaner and more readable.
Situation with CoffeeScript and JavaScript is absolutely the same as with CSS preprocessors and postprocessors. How can we develop a CSS postprocessor and avoid using a JS preproccesor :).
You can use the grunt-autoprefixer plugin for Grunt. Install the npm package and add it to Gruntfile:
You can use gulp-autoprefixer to use Autoprefixer in your Gulp build configuration.
var prefix = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
.pipe(prefix(["last 1 version", "> 1%", "ie 8", "ie 7"], { cascade: true }))
You can use the autoprefixer-brunch plugin for Brunch.
If you use Compass binary to compile your styles, you can easily integrate
Autoprefixer with it. Install autoprefixer-rails
gem install autoprefixer-rails
and add post-compile hook to config.rb
require 'autoprefixer-rails'
on_stylesheet_saved do |file|
css =, 'w') do |io|
io << AutoprefixerRails.process(css)
You can set the browsers option as the second argument in process
io << AutoprefixerRails.process(css, browsers: ["last 1 version", "> 1%"])
If you use Stylus CLI, you can add Autoprefixer by autoprefixer-stylus plugin.
Just install npm package and use it in -u
stylus -u autoprefixer-stylus -w file.styl
Add autoprefixer-rails gem
to Gemfile
and write CSS in a usual way:
gem "autoprefixer-rails"
You can integrate Autoprefixer into your Sprockets environment
by autoprefixer-rails
or process CSS from plain Ruby:
prefixed = AutoprefixerRails.process(css)
CodeKit, since the 2.0 version, contains Autoprefixer. In the After Compiling section, there is a checkbox to enable Autoprefixer. Read CodeKit docs for more inforamtion.
If you want to build your assets with a GUI, try Prepros. Just set “Auto Prefix CSS” checkbox in right panel.
You can use the broccoli-autoprefixer plugin for Broccoli.
To use Autoprefixer in Mincer,
install autoprefixer
npm package and enable it:
Add middleman-autoprefixer
gem to Gemfile
gem "middleman-autoprefixer"
and activate the extension in your project’s config.rb
activate :autoprefixer
Use autoprefixer
npm package:
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
var css = 'a { transition: transform 1s }';
var prefixed = autoprefixer.process(css).css;
You can use Autoprefixer in PHP by autoprefixer-php library:
$autoprefixer = new Autoprefixer();
$css = 'a { transition: transform 1s }';
$prefixed = $autoprefixer->compile($css);
You can use Autoprefixer from .NET and BundleTransformer with the Autoprefixer NuGet package.
You can use Autoprefixer in the browser or as a non-Node.js runtime with standalone version.
Autoprefixer can be also used as a PostCSS processor, so you can combine it with other processors and parse CSS only once:
use( autoprefixer(['> 1%', 'opera 12.5']).postcss ).
use( compressor ).
You can process your styles directly in Sublime Text with the sublime-autoprefixer plugin.
Styles can processed automatically in Brackets using the brackets-autoprefixer extension.
You can process your styles directly in Atom with the atom-autoprefixer package.
You can use the autoprefixer
binary to process CSS files using
any assets manager:
sudo npm install --global autoprefixer
autoprefixer *.css
See autoprefixer -h
for help.