Welcome to the Galgotias MCA Study Material repository! This repository contains a collection of study materials, notes, codes, projects, presentations (PPT), assignments, and previous year papers specifically curated for MCA (Master of Computer Applications) students at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology. Whether you're a current student or an aspiring one, this repository aims to provide you with valuable resources to support your academic journey.
Fundamentals of Computer and Emerging Technology (KCA101)
- Study materials on the basics of computer science and emerging technologies
- Includes topics like cloud computing, IoT, and AI
Problem Solving Using C (KCA102)
- Notes and codes focusing on problem-solving techniques using C language
- Covers basics of programming, control structures, arrays, and functions
Principle of Management and Communication (KCA103)
- Notes and assignments on management principles and effective communication
- Covers organizational behavior, project management, and communication skills
- Notes and assignments on topics like set theory, graph theory, and combinatorics
- Helps in understanding mathematical reasoning and problem-solving techniques
Computer Organization and Architecture (KCA105)
- Resources on the structure and behavior of computer systems
- Covers topics like CPU architecture, memory hierarchy, and assembly language
Lab Subjects:
C Lab (KCA151)
- Practical assignments and projects using C programming
Computer Organization and Architecture Lab (KCA152)
- Practical assignments to understand computer hardware and architecture
Professional Communication (KCA153)
- Practical sessions to enhance communication skills
Theory of Automata & Formal Language (KCA201)
- Study materials and notes on automata theory, formal languages, and computability
- Includes explanations of finite automata, context-free grammars, and Turing machines
Object-Oriented Programming (using Java) (KCA202)
- Projects developed in Java
- Demonstrates key OOP principles and enhances programming skills
Operating System (KCA203)
- Notes and resources on operating system concepts
- Covers process management, memory management, and file systems
Database Management Systems (KCA204)
- Notes, codes, and projects related to Database Management Systems
- Covers concepts such as SQL, normalization, transactions, and database design
Data Structure & Analysis of Algorithm (KCA205)
- Implementations in various programming languages (C, C++, Java)
- Code snippets, explanations, and examples to understand fundamental concepts in DSA
Cyber Security (KCAA01) (Non-credit)
- Resources covering topics like network security, cryptography, and ethical hacking
- Includes practical assignments and projects
Lab Subjects:
- Practical assignments and projects using Java to understand OOP concepts
- Practical assignments to design and manage databases
- Practical assignments to implement and analyze data structures and algorithms
To be continued...
Feel free to explore the folders and files in this repository to access the resources you need. You can download the files directly or clone the repository to your local machine for offline access.
Contributions to this repository are highly encouraged. If you have additional notes, codes, projects, presentations, assignments, or previous year papers that could benefit your peers, please consider contributing by creating a pull request. Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines on how to contribute.
Your feedback is valuable in improving this repository. If you have suggestions, comments, or requests for additional resources, please open an issue using our feedback template.
This repository is intended for educational purposes only. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content provided, we cannot guarantee its correctness. Users are encouraged to verify the information and use it at their own discretion.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the content for personal and educational purposes. However, commercial use of the content is prohibited without prior consent.
Happy learning!
Contributors Feel free to contribute. Add content for core subjects like Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs), DBMS, Theory of Computation, CyberSecurity, Discrete Mathematics, Fundamentals of Computer and Emerging Technology, Computer Organization and Architecture, Principle of Management and Communication, Problem Solving using C, and Operating System.