Tell your computer what to do
- ls -> Lists out the contents of the current directory.
- cd (directory name) -> changes the directory.
- .. -> goes up one directory
- / -> seperates navigating multiple directories
- mkdir (directory name) -> creates a new directory.
- touch (filename.extension) -> creates a new file.
- mv and rm -> move, rename | remove command
- code (directory name) -> open VSCode at the target directory.
- . -> refers to the current directory.
- && -> do one command after another finishes
- Extensions of commands
- Example: ls -a (shows all fiels and directories in the current folder)
Git -> version control system using git commands that keep track of the history of files.
- initial commit is starting of the project.
Github -> place to store all of our projects (Repository/ "Repo")
git commands.
- git init -> allows a project to use git commands.
- git status -> shows what has been added/changed/deleted since the last commit.
- git add (file names) - moves the files and folders from the working directory to the staging area
- git commit -> takes everything from the staging area and makes it permanent*
- -m "message" -> This is where you type in the message of the changes made otherwise VIM will open if no -m is included.
- git remote -> another location
- add -> add connection
- nickname -> name of connection (Most commonly origin)
- location -> where is teh actual location (url)
- git branch -> tells us which branch we are on.
- -> -M (branch name) -> renames teh main branch to the branch name specified.
- git push -> send code from local computer to somewhere ( github )
- nickname -> nickname of the place that you want to send your code to.
- branch name -> which branch you want to push
3 Stages
- Working directory (red) Still working on it
- stagging area (green) Are you sure you want to commit this to the project
- project
- Don't use special characters (!, @, #, $,%, ^,&,*) Except for hyphens.
- Don't use spaces, use hyphens.
- Start the file name with a letter.
- Use all lowercase letters seperated by hyphens.
- Keep your file names short and descriptive.
- ALWAYS put a file extension on files.
git checkout -> Move to a new branch
- -b -> create a new branch
- [branch name] -> name of feature you're adding
- Make a feature branch
- make changes in code
- push up the feature branch to GitHub
- make a pull request in Github
- code review the changes
- If good, mere feature branch with main.
- in VS Code go to the main branch (git checkout main)
- Pull the latest changes from Github (git pull nickname main)