serial device (/dev/tty.*.usbserial) <---> TCP Socket
- multi client support.
- each client can read/write.
- forwards strings from serial device to all socket clients.
- split by '\n'
- ruby-serialport (build from source code)
- eventmachine (rubygem)
- your serial device (arduino, mbed ...)
% wget
% tar -zxvf ruby-serialport-0.6.tar.gz
% cd ruby-serialport-0.6
% ruby extconf.rb
% make
% sudo make install
ruby-serialport 0.7 is not work.
% gem install eventmachine
Connect serial device, then
% ./serial-socket-gateway /dev/tty.your-usbdevice
% telnet localhost 8782
see "samples" directory.
## connect
% require 'socket'
% s ="", 8782)
## write to serial device
% s.puts "abc abc"
## read
% puts s.gets