FastReport OpenSource 2023.1.0
➕ added support for .NET 7;
➕ added property Report.IsPrepared;
➕ added TextRenderType.Inline;
➕ implemented converter of JasperReports templates;
➕ implemented connection to stored procedures in MsSQL;
➕ added ability to create calculated column for IEnumerable data sources;
➕ added window with message about loading a report when opening a file;
➕ added column with error numbers in table of report validation;
➕ added the ability to hide and show columns with the number and type of error in the report validation table;
➕ reworked WebReport.ReportPrepared property, now this property is bound to the same report's property;
➕ updated WebReport design for FastReport.Core.Web and FastReport.Web.Blazor;
➕ increased minimum version of .NET Framework from 4.0 to 4.6.2;
➕ receiving JSON in the data source is exposed to the interface part;
➕ increased the speed of the report validator;
➕ the delete band button is now disabled in situations where the band cannot be deleted;
➕ now there is not possible to create a table in the query wizard if another table with the same name already exists;
➕ connection to ElasticSearch moved to a separate plugin.
➕ updated design of demo reports
🐛fixed data tree view with IEnumerable data source, which column was not adding, if it consists of value type;
🐛 fixed a bug with localization of the "Remove" button in the report properties on the "Script" tab;
🐛 fixed a bug with selection object after click on row in "Validation" window;
🐛 fixed a bug due to which selected object did not change when changing the height of the band with mouse;
🐛 fixed a problem with System.OverflowException when editing text object without editor;
🐛 fixed a bug causing System.StackOverflowException when copying formatting;
🐛 fixed selection of object located on inactive page when clicking on row in "Validation" window;
🐛 fixed showing progress of updating list of errors in "Validation" window when changing report;
🐛 fixed order of switching by "Tab" key in connection forms;
🐛 fixed a bug where the border properties of the chart axes were not saved when they were changed in the editor;
🐛 fixed an error that occurred when deleting a band through the band configurator if the classic mode for displaying bands is selected;
🐛 fixed an error that occurs when clicking the "Delete" button on the configure bands form if there are no bands in the report;
🐛 fixed an error that occurs when removing bands from the workspace with holding left mouse button;
🐛 fixed restoring state of GridControl when closing column editor form;
🐛 fixed an error that occurs when clicking on the "Cancel" button in the Grid object column editor;
🐛 fixed moving columns of GridControl in column editor form;
🐛 fixed bugs when dragging objects from the report tree to pages and the "Code" tab;
🐛 fixed errors in the query constructor window when adding a table to the workspace and when creating relationships between tables;
🐛 fixed a bug leading to System.ArgumentException when TextObject.FontWidthRatio property equal zero;
🐛 fixed highlight of text in RTF parser;
🐛 fixed multiple requests to get image when using URL in ImageLocation;
🐛 fixed IsNull function;
🐛 fixed a bug with getting JSON row of JsonTableDataSource;
🐛 fixed a bug leading to infinite loop when building table if there is not enough space on page for one row;
🐛 fixed display of the print form when increasing the display scaling;
🐛 fixed a bug when new exports did not appear in the menu;
🐛 fixed order of switching by "Tab" key in export forms;
🐛 fixed a bug with exporting lines drawn from right to left or from bottom to top when exporting to layered HTML;
🐛 fixed a bug due to which the background of objects with a Solid fill was not printed from the browser;
🐛 fixed a bug with set method of HtmlTemplates.IndexTemplate property;
🐛 fixed navigation buttons and page numbering display in HTML export;
🐛 fixed a rare crash when trying to add an empty data source to WebReport;
🐛 fixed a bug due to which Outline did not work in WebReport.LoadPrepared();
🐛 removed refresh button when loading prepared report (.fpx);
🐛 removed page selection in export settings for single-page reports;