Group meetup for RubyMotion Developers
If you're a dev interested in keeping up to date with the ecosystem of RubyMotion, you found the right group. MotionMeetup is full of RubyMotion developers of all levels who want to keep up to date with the latest in RubyMotion technology, or just don't want to suck.
This site utalizes the figaro gem, and therefore some API credentials are hidden in config/application.yml
There is an application.example.yml that shows the environment variables in use for the full application to function.
This application was generated with the rails_apps_composer gem: provided by the RailsApps Project:
Recipes: ["controllers", "core", "email", "extras", "frontend", "gems", "git", "init", "models", "prelaunch", "railsapps", "readme", "routes", "saas", "setup", "testing", "views"]
Preferences: {:git=>true, :railsapps=>"none", :dev_webserver=>"thin", :prod_webserver=>"thin", :database=>"sqlite", :templates=>"haml", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"none", :continuous_testing=>"none", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"bootstrap", :bootstrap=>"sass", :email=>"gmail", :authentication=>"omniauth", :omniauth_provider=>"github", :authorization=>"none", :form_builder=>"simple_form", :starter_app=>"home_app", :rvmrc=>true, :quiet_assets=>true, :local_env_file=>true, :better_errors=>true}