Realtime Chatting React Application
HelloChat is a Realtime Chatting system. Its concept is inspired by WhatsApp. UI features are similar to it. Its a one page Application. For the sake of simplicity, it allows to chat in only text messages. We can send and recieve messages in realtime, add and delete the user from the list of users with whom we are chatting. Messages are stored in database in encrypted form (Symmetric Encryption). Suggestions are given when user search for other users to add to list to chat with.
HTML, CSS, React js, MySQL, Express-Node.js,, Axios, Crypto
React js : frontend
MySQL : DataBase
Express-Node.js : for implementing backend in JavaScript : for realtime data transfer
Axios : for making http requests
Crypto : Node js module for encryption and decryption
Points for deploying it on local machine :
All frontend code is written in client folder.
-React server runs on default port 3000.
All Backend code is written in server folder.
-Backend server runs on port 3001.
Scripts to run servers :
Express server - yarn start / npm start
Backend server - npm run devStart console log when new user get online and starts a session.