Pure Swift BDD framework
Runs the set up hooks (before
, after
) and also the tests.
It can do these:
let love = false
expect(love).to.beTrue() // fails
expect(love).to.beTrue().toFail() // expected failure
let dock: [Icon] = ["📔", "🎵", "📷"] // real apps!
let shopping = ToDo("Buy milk")
let todos: [ToDo] = [ shopping ]
and also these:
expect(42) == 42
expect(42) != 2017
// Also, the above works for values wrapped in Optional
let optional: Int? = 42
expect(optional) == 42
expect(["an array"]).to.beEmpty()
expect(["an array"]).to.contain("another array")
More matchers coming soon!
Async Tests
Nope. Not these. Not now.
Include it as a dependency in the Package.swift
let package = Package(
name: "Your Package",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/NicholasTD07/spec.swift.git", majorVersion: 1),
Add this line to your Cartfile
github "NicholasTD07/spec.swift" ~> 1.0.0
import XCTest
import spec
func testCat() {
describe("Cat") {
var cat: Cat!
$0.before { cat = Cat() }
$0.it("did not eat") { expect(cat.actions).to.beEmpty() }
$0.context("when being fed") {
$0.before { cat.feed(.fish) }
$0.it("eats") { expect(cat.actions).to.contain(.eat(.fish)) }
$0.it("meows") { expect(cat.actions.last) == .meow }
$0.after { cat.sleep() }
$0.it("did not sleep") { expect(cat.actions).to.beEmpty() }
class SomeTests: XCTestCase {
func testExample() {
static var allTests = [
("testExample", testExample),
For each example (created by calling it
), spec.swift
will call all the
blocks before the it
block (within the same describe
method call).
- Clone this repo
- Have Swift 3 installed (if you haven't already got it - you should)
into this repo's pathswift test
You should see something like this.
18 examples, 5 failed (5 expected), 13 passed.
This is proof for all the setup, teardown and also the tests are run. Also the test result reporter is working properly.
You can also add or change the tests in the specTests.swift
I'd like to keep the branch/history graph as simple as it can be. So,
only merge branches with "Rebase and merge" option. OR,
do it in cli with git merge --ff-only feature-branch
spec.swift is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.