This repo is archived and will be receiving no additional updates. For new games shipping on Apple devices, we recommend reviewing the options here:
There are two ways to get started:
- Start with and add to our example implemnetation project
- Import our SDK into an existing XCode project
Set your PlayFab TitleId in PlayFabSettings.m, on the line:
static NSString * TitleId = @"XXXX";
//EXAMPLE: Login with custom id request:
//Build the Request object:
ClientLoginWithCustomIDRequest* login_request = [ClientLoginWithCustomIDRequest new];
login_request.CustomId = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]; //use the identifier for vendor as our custom ID.
login_request.CreateAccount = true; //creates a new account if no existing one
//Make each call to [PlayFabClientAPI GetInstance], the first time you do this, an instance will be created and then used.
[[PlayFabClientAPI GetInstance] LoginWithCustomID:login_request
success:^(LoginResult* result, NSObject* userData) {
//This block will run when we receive successful response, inspect the result class for pertinent info.
NSLog(@"error %@",result.PlayFabId);
failure:^(PlayFabError *error, NSObject *userData) {
//Request errored or failed to connect, inspect the PlayFabError class for pertinent info.
NSLog(@"error %@",error.description);
} withUserData:nil];
Apache License -- Version 2.0, January 2004
Full details available within the LICENSE file.