Project Requirements: Create an Application that consists of two panels. The left panel has an input requiring to put a City name, and the ADD button beside it. Type a city name in the input then click + button to call weather endpoint to validate city name. If the city name is valid it should be added to the list below under Recent Locations. If a city is invalid an error message should appear and the city should not be added to the list. Adding a new location should be added to the top of the list. The cities in the Recent Locations list should show the last temperature and the weather status (an Icon is a bonus). Click on the Refresh button should update the weather reading at this particular location. Click on the X button should remove a location from the list. Click on the list item should Call a forecast API and populate the right panel according to the layout. Click on the Clear button should remove all locations form the list.
Only 8 locations should be added, the ninth location should be pushed to the top of the list and the one on the bottom removed.
The right panel shows a detailed view of the weather with a 5 days forecast. Click on the Refresh button should refresh weather forecast reading.