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Merge pull request #1134 from vyudu/add-matrices
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Add API functions for the other kinds of matrixes that a CRN ODE system can be factored into
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vyudu authored Jan 9, 2025
2 parents b7d8c61 + 5c9bf74 commit f2b677c
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Showing 5 changed files with 786 additions and 598 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Catalyst.jl
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Expand Up @@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ export @reaction_network, @network_component, @reaction, @species
# Network analysis functionality.
export reactioncomplexmap, reactioncomplexes, incidencemat
export complexstoichmat
export complexoutgoingmat, incidencematgraph, linkageclasses, stronglinkageclasses,
export complexstoichmat, laplacianmat, fluxmat, massactionvector, complexoutgoingmat
export incidencematgraph, linkageclasses, stronglinkageclasses,
terminallinkageclasses, deficiency, subnetworks
export linkagedeficiencies, isreversible, isweaklyreversible
export conservationlaws, conservedquantities, conservedequations, conservationlaw_constants
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139 changes: 138 additions & 1 deletion src/network_analysis.jl
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Expand Up @@ -192,6 +192,143 @@ function complexstoichmat(::Type{Matrix{Int}}, rn::ReactionSystem, rcs)

@doc raw"""
laplacianmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap=Dict(); sparse=false)
Return the negative of the graph Laplacian of the reaction network. The ODE system of a chemical reaction network can be factorized as ``\frac{dx}{dt} = Y A_k Φ(x)``, where ``Y`` is the [`complexstoichmat`](@ref) and ``A_k`` is the negative of the graph Laplacian, and ``Φ`` is the [`massactionvector`](@ref). ``A_k`` is an n-by-n matrix, where n is the number of complexes, where ``A_{ij} = k_{ij}`` if a reaction exists between the two complexes and 0 otherwise.
Returns a symbolic matrix by default, but will return a numerical matrix if parameter values are specified via pmap.
**Warning**: Unlike other Catalyst functions, the `laplacianmat` function will return a `Matrix{Num}` in the symbolic case. This is to allow easier computation of the matrix decomposition of the ODEs, and to ensure that multiplying the sparse form of the matrix will work.
function laplacianmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Dict = Dict(); sparse = false)
D = incidencemat(rn; sparse)
K = fluxmat(rn, pmap; sparse)
D * K
end{Union{R, Symbolics.BasicSymbolic{Real}}}) where R <: Real = zero(R){Union{R, Symbolics.BasicSymbolic{Real}}}) where R <: Real = one(R)

@doc raw"""
fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap = Dict(); sparse=false)
Return an r×c matrix ``K`` such that, if complex ``j`` is the substrate complex of reaction ``i``, then ``K_{ij} = k``, the rate constant for this reaction. Mostly a helper function for the network Laplacian, [`laplacianmat`](@ref). Has the useful property that ``\frac{dx}{dt} = S*K*Φ(x)``, where S is the [`netstoichmat`](@ref) or net stoichiometry matrix and ``Φ(x)`` is the [`massactionvector`](@ref).
Returns a symbolic matrix by default, but will return a numerical matrix if rate constants are specified as a `Tuple`, `Vector`, or `Dict` of symbol-value pairs via `pmap`.
**Warning**: Unlike other Catalyst functions, the `fluxmat` function will return a `Matrix{Num}` in the symbolic case. This is to allow easier computation of the matrix decomposition of the ODEs, and to ensure that multiplying the sparse form of the matrix will work.
function fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Dict = Dict(); sparse=false)
rates = if isempty(pmap)
substitutevals(rn, pmap, parameters(rn), reactionrates(rn))

rcmap = reactioncomplexmap(rn)
nc = length(rcmap)
nr = length(rates)
mtype = eltype(rates) <: Symbolics.BasicSymbolic ? Num : eltype(rates)
if sparse
return fluxmat(SparseMatrixCSC{mtype, Int}, rcmap, rates)
return fluxmat(Matrix{mtype}, rcmap, rates)

function fluxmat(::Type{SparseMatrixCSC{T, Int}}, rcmap, rates) where T
Is = Int[]
Js = Int[]
Vs = T[]
for (i, (complex, rxs)) in enumerate(rcmap)
for (rx, dir) in rxs
dir == -1 && begin
push!(Is, rx)
push!(Js, i)
push!(Vs, rates[rx])
Z = sparse(Is, Js, Vs, length(rates), length(rcmap))

function fluxmat(::Type{Matrix{T}}, rcmap, rates) where T
nr = length(rates)
nc = length(rcmap)
K = zeros(T, nr, nc)
for (i, (complex, rxs)) in enumerate(rcmap)
for (rx, dir) in rxs
dir == -1 && (K[rx, i] = rates[rx])

function fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Vector)
pdict = Dict(pmap)
fluxmat(rn, pdict)

function fluxmat(rn::ReactionSystem, pmap::Tuple)
pdict = Dict(pmap)
fluxmat(rn, pdict)

# Helper to substitute values into a (vector of) symbolic expressions. The syms are the symbols to substitute and the symexprs are the expressions to substitute into.
function substitutevals(rn::ReactionSystem, map::Dict, syms, symexprs)
length(map) != length(syms) && error("Incorrect number of parameter-value pairs were specified.")
map = symmap_to_varmap(rn, map)
map = Dict(ModelingToolkit.value(k) => v for (k, v) in map)
vals = [substitute(expr, map) for expr in symexprs]

massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap = Dict(); combinatoric_ratelaws = true)
Return the vector whose entries correspond to the "mass action products" of each complex. For example, given the complex A + B, the corresponding entry of the vector would be ``A*B``, and for the complex 2X + Y, the corresponding entry would be ``X^2*Y``. The ODE system of a chemical reaction network can be factorized as ``\frac{dx}{dt} = Y A_k Φ(x)``, where ``Y`` is the [`complexstoichmat`](@ref) and ``A_k`` is the negative of the [`laplacianmat`](@ref). This utility returns ``Φ(x)``.
Returns a symbolic vector by default, but will return a numerical vector if species concentrations are specified as a tuple, vector, or dictionary via scmap.
If the `combinatoric_ratelaws` option is set, will include prefactors for that (see [introduction to Catalyst's rate laws](@ref introduction_to_catalyst_ratelaws). Will default to the default for the system.
**Warning**: Unlike other Catalyst functions, the `massactionvector` function will return a `Vector{Num}` in the symbolic case. This is to allow easier computation of the matrix decomposition of the ODEs.
function massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap::Dict = Dict(); combinatoric_ratelaws = Catalyst.get_combinatoric_ratelaws(rn))
r = numreactions(rn)
rxs = reactions(rn)
sm = speciesmap(rn)

specs = if isempty(scmap)
substitutevals(rn, scmap, species(rn), species(rn))

if !all(r -> ismassaction(r, rn), rxs)
error("The supplied ReactionSystem has reactions that are not ismassaction. The mass action vector is only defined for pure mass action networks.")

vtype = eltype(specs) <: Symbolics.BasicSymbolic ? Num : eltype(specs)
Φ = Vector{vtype}()
rcmap = reactioncomplexmap(rn)
for comp in keys(reactioncomplexmap(rn))
subs = map(ce -> getfield(ce, :speciesid), comp)
stoich = map(ce -> getfield(ce, :speciesstoich), comp)
maprod = prod(vtype[specs[s]^α for (s, α) in zip(subs, stoich)])
combinatoric_ratelaws && (maprod /= prod(map(factorial, stoich)))
push!(Φ, maprod)


function massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap::Tuple; combinatoric_ratelaws = Catalyst.get_combinatoric_ratelaws(rn))
sdict = Dict(scmap)
massactionvector(rn, sdict; combinatoric_ratelaws)

function massactionvector(rn::ReactionSystem, scmap::Vector; combinatoric_ratelaws = Catalyst.get_combinatoric_ratelaws(rn))
sdict = Dict(scmap)
massactionvector(rn, sdict; combinatoric_ratelaws)

@doc raw"""
complexoutgoingmat(network::ReactionSystem; sparse=false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,7 +924,7 @@ function isdetailedbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap::Dict; abstol=0, re
elseif !isreversible(rs)
return false
elseif !all(r -> ismassaction(r, rs), reactions(rs))
error("The supplied ReactionSystem has reactions that are not ismassaction. Testing for being complex balanced is currently only supported for pure mass action networks.")
error("The supplied ReactionSystem has reactions that are not ismassaction. Testing for being detailed balanced is currently only supported for pure mass action networks.")

isforestlike(rs) && deficiency(rs) == 0 && return true
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