- Automatically download the audio of Radiko programs in accordance with the rules. It only supports programs that allow time-shifted listening.
- Upload downloaded files into Dropbox.
- Provide a RSS feed page for Podcast.
- Go
- FFmpeg
Install with go install
go install github.com/abekoh/radiko-archiver/cmd/...@latest
Setup config.toml
out_dir_path = "out"
rules_path = "rules.toml"
# Download the audio file after offset_time has elapsed since the start of the program.
offset_time = "6h"
planner_interval = "10m"
fetch_timeout = "3m"
enabled = true
port = 8080
base_url = "http://localhost:8080"
enabled = true
Setup rules.toml
name = "星野源のオールナイトニッポン"
station_id = "LFR"
weekday = "Wed"
start = "01:00"
name = "バナナマンのバナナムーンGOLD"
station_id = "TBS"
weekday = "Sat"
start = "01:00"
name = "オードリーのオールナイトニッポン"
station_id = "LFR"
weekday = "Sun"
start = "01:00"
Setup Dropbox token
Start workers.
With config path.
radiko-archiver -config myconfig.toml
Only download with radiko time-shifted URL.
radiko-archiver -now https://radiko.jp/#!/ts/LFR/20231001010000