Based upon work from @mengwong on the visual language of legal obligations as AndOr trees.
It hasn't been built for deployment.
Camunda got big bucks from seed funding recently and it got people excited about BPMN & DMN again.
Here's an example of how to connect a front-end powered by the React ecosystem with Camunda as a REPL-like enviroment.
- Yarn
- Camunda Plaform Run (I used the docker version, it'll probably work with any other version too)
- Camunda Modeler
After installing Camunda Platform Run & Camunda Modeler, start your platform instance.
Open eventDriven.bpmn
and investment-strategy.dmn
with Camunda Modeler and deploy them.
Upon successful deployment of the BPMN process & DRD diagram,
and runnode worker.js
to project root and runyarn start
should take care of the rest.