The Fantasy Football Companion is meant to be a tool to accompany you at on your draft day. Based on the concept of Value Based Drafting, the companion is a way to rank players across positions and better visualize players left.
Data is pulled from Fantasy Pros, a site whichh aggregates data accross other major fantasy sites. The idea is that with more sources, wisdom of the crowd will prevail, and projections will be more accurate than relying on an one site.
Since the companion is suppose to be opened side-by-side with you draft lobby, it is a desktop only site. If you try to open on a phone—or in a narrow browser window—the site will prompt you to open in a wider window.
This site is built on React. Data scraping is aided by Axios and Cheerio.
In a terminal window, run
git clone
cd ffb-companion
nvm install
npm install
Data is scrapped on the following chron schedule via Github action:
- Every day of August @ 3:30am EST
- Days 1-15 of September @ 3:30am EST
- Every Tuesday of all other months @ 3:30am EST
If you need to pull data on demand, in the ffb-companion directory of the terminal, run
node scraper.js
From the ffb directory, in terminal run
cd ffb-app
npm start