This api provides a simulation of post request, listing all posts or a unique one, update a post, delete a post and is the result of a node-challenge provided by Fuerza Studio @fuerzastudio.
Technologies that I used to develop this api
Clone the project and access the folder
$ git clone && cd fuerza-api
Follow the steps below
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
# Make a copy of '.env.example' to '.env'
# and set with YOUR environment variables.
$ cp .env.example .env
# Create the instance of mongoDB using docker
$ docker run --name fuerza-api -p 27017:27017 -d -t mongo
# make sure the services are running
$ docker container ps
# To finish, run the api service
$ npm start
# Well done, you should be good to go!
You can choose your best api software tool, we recommend postman for the route testing.
For the tests please run:
npm test
- You can always search the documentation available in docs folder to get in touch with the operations available in this api. Please access:
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