This project demonstrates how to build google map application with third party APIs (Foursquare API here) in React. This app is created from scratch using 'create-react-app' for the boiler-plate codebase.
- apparently, service worker feature is automatically included in the production build when creating an app.
- Pinning a location of your interest
- Searching any places of your interest based on the pinned location
- Setting filtering options (radius, limits)
- Select a place for further information
- cd ./app
- npm install
- yarn start
├── API
│ └── FSAPIs.js
├── Map
│ ├── GoogleMapsContainer.js
│ ├── Map.css
│ ├── MapStyleOptions.json
│ ├── SearchBox.css
│ ├── SearchBox.js
│ └── VenueSearchBox.js
├── Side
│ ├── SideMenu.css
│ └── SideMenu.js
├── Top
│ ├── NavButton.css
│ ├── NavButton.js
│ ├── Top.css
│ └── Top.js
├── images
│ ├── address.png
│ ├── like.png
│ └── phone.png
├── App.css
├── App.js
├── index.css
├── index.js
└── registerServiceWorker.js