A template with boilerplate structure for Hashnode's Github as source feature
Please note: A README.md at the root is always ignored.
If you don't find a log in your publication dashboard on Hashnode, but have made a commit to your connected repo, then make sure
- the file ends with .md extension, we support markdown files only.
- you have connected the same repo as you made a commit to.
- you added the correct blog domain in your markdown file.
- Frontmatter: Make sure each article has these details at the top of the file.
title: YOUR_TITLE_HERE **(Required)**
/* The pathname of your article url
* Ex. In https://engineering.hashnode.com/how-we-autodetect-spam-using-googles-vertex-ai
"how-we-autodetect-spam-using-googles-vertex-ai" is the slug */
slug: CUSTOM_ARTICLE_SLUG_HERE (Will be created automatically if not provided)
tags: TAG_SLUG_1, TAG_SLUG_2 **(Required)** - You can find the list of tags here https://github.com/Hashnode/support/blob/main/misc/tags.json
/* You need to upload your image to https://hashnode.com/uploader
and use the uploaded image URL as COVER_IMAGE_URL */
domain: YOUR_HASHNODE_BLOG_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE (e.g. sandeep.dev or sandeep.hashnode.dev) **(Required)**
/* When you have a team publication and a publication member has created an article */
/* Please note that this param is only supported while creating an article and not updating */
/* When your article is republished and you want to use the origin url as canonical url */ <br/>
/* Only if you don't want this article to be published yet */
ignorePost: true
Enter article body here
- List of tags can be found here https://github.com/Hashnode/support/blob/main/misc/tags.json
- Make sure you haven't included ignorePost in the frontmatter by mistake.
- Uninstalling app via Github will remove it from all the publications that the repo was connected to. If you want to specifically remove the installation from a particular publication, do it from it's Dashboard (Integrations section).
- Creating an article with same slug as another article in the publication will overwrite the old article.
- Do note that maximum of 10 file changes are respected in one particular commit.