--> Developed a blog with userfriendly features.
--> Secure User Authentication: Register and log in with encrypted passwords.
--> Blog Creation and Editing: Compose, publish, and edit your blogs.
--> MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js).
--> MongoDB database for data storage.
--> Node.js and Express.js for backend.
--> JWT for secure cookie-based auth.
--> Bcrypt for password hashing.
--> Image uploads (Multer).
--> Download using zip and extract the folder.
--> Enter npm install and install all the necessary packages.
--> Check the database on the MongoDB atlas website. Connect the current IP address in the network access.
--> Go to the 'API' folder, and run 'nodemon index.js' in the terminal.
--> Go to the 'client' folder, and run 'npm start' in the terminal.
--> Now you are ready to use the blog website.
--> Create your account by registering with a new username and password.
--> Log in to your account by entering the username and password.
--> The password is encrypted.
--> Create your own blog and post it.
--> Now, you can see your own blog on the home page.
--> The owner of the post can edit the post.
--> See the changes in the post when you update it.
--> At last log out from your account.