This repository contains sample implementations of the core components of the Drycc project for learning and testing purposes.
We assume that you have already installed drycc workflow and logged into an account.
$ curl -SL | tar xvz -C .
$ cd samples-main/dryccfile/build
$ git init; git add .; git commit --all -m "init repo"; git branch -M main
$ drycc create demo
$ git push drycc main
$ curl -SL | tar xvz -C .
$ cd samples-main/dryccfile/image
$ drycc create demo
$ drycc pull
The Drycc project welcomes contributions from all developers. The high-level process for development matches many other open source projects. See below for an outline.
- Fork this repository
- Make your changes
- [Submit a pull request][prs] (PR) to this repository with your changes, and unit tests whenever possible.
- If your PR fixes any [issues][issues], make sure you write Fixes #1234 in your PR description (where #1234 is the number of the issue you're closing)
- Drycc project maintainers will review your code.
- After two maintainers approve it, they will merge your PR.