The goal of AutoApi is avoid developing an API REST at the start of a project, making a prototype easier than usual. AutoApi also has an authentication system and multiple APIs are supported.
Assuming you have MongoDB server running in localhost on the default port 27017 without authentication, AutoApi can be started as following:
$ docker run -it -e MONGO_HOST=localhost -e MONGO_PORT=27017 felipevalverde/autoapi:latest
Listening at:
$ workon api
(api) $ pip install auto_api
(api) $ MONGO_HOST=localhost MONGO_PORT=27017 python -m auto_api run
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
A personal agenda is a good example to show how AutoApi works. We will use the example API to insert and retrieve items from agenda collection.
To add an item in the agenda, the following HTTP request shows how to do it:
POST http://localhost:8686/example/agenda Content-Type: application/json { "name": "user", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+123 456-789", "address": "123 Street" }
It's important to add /example (API name) before the REST path /agenda, because that is the way AutoApi identifies them. The response will contain the id of the created item as:
{"id": "591a79400000000000000000"}
Where the value of id will always be a MongoDB ObjectId.
To get the previous inserted item in the agenda, is required to know the id of the item. The previous response shows the id is 591a79400000000000000000, so the item can be retrieve making the following HTTP request:
GET http://localhost:8686/example/agenda/591a79400000000000000000
In the same way as the insert operation, the API name and the REST path are required, in this case the path is /agenda/591a79400000000000000000. The response will contain the initial inserted data and the AutoApi assigned id:
{ "id": "591a79400000000000000000", "name": "user", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+123 456-789", "address": "123 Street" }
But, if you want to retrieve all the items of the agenda, the following HTTP request shows how:
GET http://localhost:8686/example/agenda
And the response will be:
[ { "id": "591a79400000000000000000", "name": "user", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+123 456-789", "address": "123 Street" }, ... ]
AutoApi was develop on Python using Flask and MongoDB, it was thought to support multiples API because AutoApi uses each database to represent each API. This means that to differentiate between two APIs it is necessary to add the API name as a prefix in the URL. For instance, to retrieve all the movies from imdb-copy API it is necessary to do a GET to /imdb-copy/movies, and to retrieve the movies from rottentomatoes-copy API the URL is /rottentomatoes-copy/movies.
Another important AutoApi's feature is the authentication, but authentication in for this tool is at API level, this means that users can not be shared between APIs. The reason why users can not be shared is because AutoApi uses MongoDB users instead of a collection to store them, so they are strictly related to a database and as AutoApi is considering a database as an API they are isolated per database.
AutoApi uses MongoDB to store all the neccesary data, then it is necessary to know the location of the database, this means that next environment variables must be provided: MONGO_HOST and MONGO_PORT.
In the same way, if authentication is needed, the next environment variables must be provided too: MONGO_ADMIN and MONGO_ADMIN_PASS.
AutoApi authentication is optional, by default it is not activated. To activate it is necessary:
- MongoDB auth activated
- AutoApi admin configurations
- Run AutoApi server with --auth flag
Each API has their own users, so users have to logged specifying the API in the request:
POST /login Content-Type: application/json { "api": "example", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "pass" }
The response will contain a session token in the headers and body:
X-Email: [email protected] X-Token: 123456 { "email": "[email protected]", "token": "123456" }
To logout, users have to specify the API too:
POST /logout Content-Type: application/json X-Email: [email protected] X-Token: 123456 {"api": "example"}
Only admin users can create more users specifying the API and CRUD roles:
POST /user Content-Type: application/json X-Email: ADMIN_USER X-Token: ADMIN_USER_TOKEN { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "pass", "api": "example", "roles": ["read", "update"] }
The last request creates the user [email protected] and authorizes him to read and update the example API without any API creation request.
Each user can update his own password and only an admin user can change other users password . The change can be done using the following request:
POST /password Content-Type: application/json X-Email: USER X-Token: USER_TOKEN { "email": "[email protected]", "password": "new-pass", "api": "example" }
It is important to note that the request needs the email parameter to select to user that will change the password.
Finally, only an admin user can change the authorization roles for a particular user using the following request:
POST /roles Content-Type: application/json X-Email: ADMIN_USER X-Token: ADMIN_USER_TOKEN { "email": "[email protected]", "api": "example", "roles": { "update": false, "delete": true } }
To use an API in AutoApi it is not necessary to create it, it is created on demand and there is no operations related for path /api.
To use and API collection in AutoApi it is not necessary to create it, it is also created on demand.
It is important to remember that if AutoApi's authentication is enabled then only logged users, with the respective authorization, can CRUD API's resources.
A good API REST example is to show how to mark as a classic all the movies where actor_1 appears.
PATCH /example/actors/actor_1/movies Content-Type: application/json X-Email: [email protected] X-Token: USER_TOKEN {"classic": true}
More info about REST:
You can pull the latest docker image as following:
docker pull felipevalverde/autoapi:latest
You can install the latest python module. I strongly recommend you to use virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper as following:
$ workon api
(api) $ pip install auto_api
AutoApi doesn't required modifications on MongoDB configuration to handle APIs, collectios or resources. But, if you want to activate Authentication and Authorization, as AutoApi uses MongoDB users, it is necessary to set auth=true in your mongodb.cfg or run mongod with the flag --auth and provide the neccesary AutoApi environment variables.
Related info:
After installing AutoApi it will be created an executable called autoapi and the python module auto_api. Also, remember that if you want to run AutoApi with authentication, you must first turn on the authentication in MongoDB and then provide the flag --auth.
(api) $ autoapi run [ --auth ]
(api) $ python -m auto_api run [ --auth ]
To run the AutoApi test there is a script called, that automatically start and stop two MongoDB servers for testing purpose only (one with authentication enabled).
(api) $ ./
(api) $ python run_tests [ -a '[pytest-parameters]' ]