<<<<<<< HEAD
This project is built on yfinance, an open source API to access the financial data available on Yahoo Finance. As mentioned, this free API has no guarantee if it breaks it will be maintained. This project mainly discover the solutions and get a touch to the financial python world. Polygon and IEX might make good bets in future for the platform.
https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ https://algotrading101.com/learn/iex-api-guide/ https://algotrading101.com/learn/yfinance-guide/ https://polygon.io/ Link to stocktrend github page
Links to sources discussed in the lecture videos
TA-Lib website: http://ta-lib.org/ TA-Lib Python Wrapper Github Page: https://mrjbq7.github.io/ta-lib/ TA-Lib documentation of pattern recognition: https://mrjbq7.github.io/ta-lib/func_groups/pattern_recognition.html Discussion on installation problems: TA-Lib/ta-lib-python#127 Command to install TA-lib for python 3.5 and 3.6: pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/masdeseiscaracteres/simple ta-lib Good website on chart patterns: http://thepatternsite.com
Project LEO
Project Capricorn Libraries: streamlit, yfinance, pnadas, numpy
pip install streamlit
pip install pipenv
streamlit run app.py
pip install pipwin pipwin install TA-Lib https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#ta-lib
To fix the issue with mplexporter not getting Collection offset position due to matplotlib API changes in v3.5 (plotly/plotly.py#3624 replacing in this exporter.py file offset_order = offset_dict[collection.get_offset_position()] offset_order = offset_dict[collection._offset_position] ) -->not working
I have decided to uninstall matplotlib 3.5 and downgrade it to 3.4.0 to fix the issue
from st_aggrid import AgGrid