Continuous delivery with Docker for the Automation Nights Aarhus March 2016 meetup
This demo shows how to:
- Start Jenkins in a Docker container
- Configure Jenkins at startup
- Use Job DSL to create a CD pipeline
- Use Docker to build and run containers in the pipeline
Example commands to try it out, modify as needed:
# Start Docker host
docker-machine start default
eval $(docker-machine env default)
# Now we can run the 'docker' command
# Start Jenkins
cd jenkins
# Now jenkins is running on http://$(docker-machine ip default):8080
Then go to Jenkins in a browser and proceed to:
- Run the seed job
- Run the commit job
- Wait for release job to succeed, then run
docker images
to verify you have an image calledpraqma/shamu-app:stable
- Celebrate
- Clean up createJobDsl imports and code
- Release job: push to a Docker registry
- Test job: publishers / plotBuildData using groovy-parsed output.csv file