This package provides a network bridge which enables the exchange of messages between ROS and Ignition Transport.
The bridge is currently implemented in C++. At this point there's no support for service calls. Its support is limited to only the following message types:
ROS type | Ignition Transport type |
std_msgs/Bool | ignition::msgs::Boolean |
std_msgs/ColorRGBA | ignition::msgs::Color |
std_msgs/Empty | ignition::msgs::Empty |
std_msgs/Int32 | ignition::msgs::Int32 |
std_msgs/Float32 | ignition::msgs::Float |
std_msgs/Float64 | ignition::msgs::Double |
std_msgs/Header | ignition::msgs::Header |
std_msgs/String | ignition::msgs::StringMsg |
geometry_msgs/Quaternion | ignition::msgs::Quaternion |
geometry_msgs/Vector3 | ignition::msgs::Vector3d |
geometry_msgs/Point | ignition::msgs::Vector3d |
geometry_msgs/Pose | ignition::msgs::Pose |
geometry_msgs/PoseArray | ignition::msgs::Pose_V |
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | ignition::msgs::Pose |
geometry_msgs/Transform | ignition::msgs::Pose |
geometry_msgs/TransformStamped | ignition::msgs::Pose |
geometry_msgs/Twist | ignition::msgs::Twist |
mav_msgs/Actuators (not on Noetic) | ignition::msgs::Actuators |
nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid | ignition::msgs::OccupancyGrid |
nav_msgs/Odometry | ignition::msgs::Odometry |
rosgraph_msgs/Clock | ignition::msgs::Clock |
sensor_msgs/BatteryState | ignition::msgs::BatteryState |
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo | ignition::msgs::CameraInfo |
sensor_msgs/FluidPressure | ignition::msgs::FluidPressure |
sensor_msgs/Imu | ignition::msgs::IMU |
sensor_msgs/Image | ignition::msgs::Image |
sensor_msgs/JointState | ignition::msgs::Model |
sensor_msgs/LaserScan | ignition::msgs::LaserScan |
sensor_msgs/MagneticField | ignition::msgs::Magnetometer |
sensor_msgs/NavSatFix | ignition::msgs::NavSat |
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 | ignition::msgs::PointCloudPacked |
tf_msgs/TFMessage | ignition::msgs::Pose_V |
visualization_msgs/Marker | ignition::msgs::Marker |
visualization_msgs/MarkerArray | ignition::msgs::Marker_V |
Run rosmaster & rosrun ros_ign_bridge parameter_bridge -h
for instructions.
First we start a ROS roscore
# Shell A:
. /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
Then we start the parameter bridge which will watch the specified topics.
# Shell B:
. ~/bridge_ws/install/setup.bash
rosrun ros_ign_bridge parameter_bridge /chatter@std_msgs/[email protected]
Now we start the ROS listener.
# Shell C:
. /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
rostopic echo /chatter
Now we start the Ignition Transport talker.
# Shell D:
ign topic -t /chatter -m ignition.msgs.StringMsg -p 'data:"Hello"'
First we start a ROS roscore
# Shell A:
. /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
Then we start the parameter bridge which will watch the specified topics.
# Shell B:
. ~/bridge_ws/install/setup.bash
rosrun ros_ign_bridge parameter_bridge /chatter@std_msgs/[email protected]
Now we start the Ignition Transport listener.
# Shell C:
ign topic -e -t /chatter
Now we start the ROS talker.
# Shell D:
. /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
rostopic pub /chatter std_msgs/String "data: 'Hi'" --once
In this example, we're going to generate Ignition Transport images using Gazebo
classic, that will be converted into ROS images, and visualized with rqt_viewer
First we start a ROS roscore
# Shell A:
. /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
Then we start Gazebo.
# Shell B:
Once Gazebo is running, click on the Insert
tab, and then, insert a Camera
object into the scene. Now, let's see the topic where the camera images are
# Shell C:
ign topic -l | grep image
Then we start the parameter bridge with the previous topic.
# Shell D:
. ~/bridge_ws/install/setup.bash
rosrun ros_ign_bridge parameter_bridge /default/camera/link/camera/image@sensor_msgs/[email protected]
Now we start the ROS GUI:
# Shell E:
. /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
rqt_image_view /default/camera/link/camera/image
You should see the current images in rqt_image_view
which are coming from
Gazebo (published as Ignition Msgs over Ignition Transport).
The screenshot shows all the shell windows and their expected content (it was taken using ROS Kinetic):