Based on Desk Theme by Unbound Studio.
- Ruby 3.0.x
- I highly recommend you install ruby using rvm!
- Bundler & Jekyll
- Can be installed using:
gem install bundler jekyll
- Node >= 14 (or 12, it's not that important for this)
This project uses two dependency management systems:
- Bundler for Jekyll plugins
- NPM for frontend dependencies
Bundler dependencies can be installed by running:
bundle install
On macOS, there might be an error when building the eventmachine
dependency because of openssl.
This can be solved by installing openssl and then pointing bundler to the correct location:
brew install openssl
gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7' --source '' -- --with-cppflags=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
brew install openssl
gem install eventmachine -- --with-openssl-dir=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/[email protected]/1.1.1m/
Do not forget to check the version of of your openssl, e.g. /[email protected]/1.1.1m/ !
NPM dependencies can be installed by running:
npm install
Run the following to generate your site:
npm run build
To develop the site using livereload and extensive error reports, run the following:
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload --trace
- commmunity
- etc.
- f-und-e
- etc.
- _docs
- etc.
- publikationen
- etc.
- _posts
- etc.
Add new authors details in _config.yml
# Author settings, displayed on post and doc pages if front matter references author name e.g. author: ckuehl
name: Michael Kühnel
title: Frontend Developer
shortdesc: Michael ist seit Netscape 4.7.8 im Geschäft und freut sich, dass dank Webstandards seitdem alles besser wird. Folge Michael bei <a href="">Twitter</a> oder <a href="">GitHub</a>.
avatar: avatar-mkuehnel.jpg
email: ckuehl(at)
Add a reference author name, e.g. ckuehl
Add full name, e.g. Christian Kuehl -
Add a job title, e.g. Developer -
Add a short description (optional); you can use inline html to add links etc. -
Add an avatar image (optional), upload the image to/uploads
. If you do not add an avatar, a default avatar will be used. -
Add an email adress (optional), e.g. ckuehl(at)
To create a new post, you can create a new markdown file inside the _posts
directory by following the recommended file naming format:
Where YEAR
is a four-digit number, MONTH
and DAY
are both two-digit numbers, and MARKUP
is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:
Post requires front matter, everything in between the first and second --- are part of the YAML Front Matter, and everything after the second --- will be rendered with Markdown and show up as “Content”.
The following is a post file with different configurations you can add as example:
title: Your Blog Post Title… # The full title of your post
author: atippel # Authors reference name (see _config.yml)
categories: [Best Practices] # Blog post category, e.g. "Best Practices", "Quick Tips" (these are the only categories at the moment)
tags: [featured, java, maven] # Group similar topics, e.g. "java". Use "featured", if you want to show up the new blog post on the home page.
shortdesc: Versionskennzeichen automatisch und zentral vergeben. # Show as a short description of your blog post on the home page
# Here comes your blog post!
Lorem ipsum...
To keep things more organized, add post images to /assets/posts/
directory, and add theme images to /assets/img/
Step 1: Create new project article (for Micromata Open Source projects) in _docs
folder, similar to creating posts, but with following front matter settings (for example, the filename for the article would be
title: Check Packages
subtitle: This is your optional doc subtitle
image: logo-baumeister.jpg # Add your project logo or image at the top of the page (optional)
tags: [npm, node, cli] # Group similar topics; adds a list of similar projects at page bottom (optional)
author: ckuehl
Step 2: Add your new document title to the header navigation.
Header navigation for project posts can be edited in _data/navigation_header.yml
- title: Open Source
- title: Baumeister
url: /docs/baumeister/
- title: Check Packages # Name for navigation drop down
url: /docs/check-packages/ # file name, without file extension
- title: Java API for KML
url: /docs/java-api-for-kml/
- title: Home Made Projects
url: /docs/home-made-projekte/
Step 3: Add your new document title to the sidebar navigation.
Sidebar navigation for project post can be edited in _data/navigation_docs.yml
- title: Micromata Projekte # Section title
- baumeister
- check-packages # file name from _docs folder, without file extension
- java-api-for-kml
- home-made-projekte
Create new entries in _data/navigation_boxes_homemade.yml
- title: Rickrollify
desc: A Chrome extension which rickrollifies every link on every website – Psst!
Note: Home made project are just a list, they do not have their own project page.
These are the project teaser on the home page. Project boxes are added in _data/navigation_boxes.yml
, e.g.:
- title: Check Packages
desc: Check packages ermöglicht die Überprüfung von npm Dependencies eines Projektes via whitelisting (oder blacklisting).
icon: # not used
doc: check-packages # file name from _docs folder, without file extension
- title: ProjectForge
desc: Eine webbasiertes Tool zur Unterstützung aller Verwaltungsaufgaben im Projektmanagement und der Unternehmensorganisation.
icon: # not used
doc: projectforge
Full documentation can be found here: