Infrastructure Engineer • SRE.
Interested in Linux, Go, and Distributed System.
- 🔒 certify create private CA and issue certificates without hassle
- 🐧 go-ps find, list, and get information from process in linux with Go
- 🐙 octo-proxy Simple TCP/TLS Proxy support mutual authentication and traffic mirroring
- 🦀 kube-resource-status tool that provide kubernetes cluster resource information, including cpu, memory, storage and pods.
- envoyproxy/gateway ✨ #4803 fix: allow hostname to use subdomain with single label/character
- envoyproxy/gateway ✨ #4822 chore: increase backend endpoints max items to 64
- ueokande/kubectl-evict ✨ #5 Show pod name when eviction fail
- e-breuninger/terraform-provider-netbox ✨ #553 Add custom field support in IPAM Prefix