Koa and MongoDB RESTful API boostrapping library
Returns a configured koa instance with a Restfull CRUD API configured. Just another API library really.
The specified collection names are inflected upon the API fx http://localhost:3000/mycollection
reference the mycollection
mongodb collection
Singular items are referenced by _id like http://localhost:3000/mycollection/{someID}
And then common RESTFull methods apply to do CRUD
- Prepare and publish to NPM
- Add some fancy build badges :) https://github.com/dwyl/repo-badges
- RESTFull CRUD to the configured db/collections
- Filter/Search collections based on query or body content
- Modify CRUD API urls
- Cors integration with koa-cors
- gzip with koa-gzip
- Configure custom action paths
- Save multiple documents per request
- Optionally configured document validation, to ensure type safety and ensure document consistency
- Optionally configured auth and data ownership rules
- Optionally configured nested saving, map certain xyz child objects to another collection
- Implement programatic testing using Jest like this instead: https://www.valentinog.com/blog/testing-api-koa-jest/
To get going this is all you need:
const app = kongo({
dbConfig: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
db: 'test',
collections: [
This will serve the test collection on http://localhost:4444/test
Since this bootstrap exposes the MongoDB driver to Koa, you can easely add custom actions like below. In this case i re-used the listAction from vargr-kongo, but this you could also insert your own logic.
const Router = require('koa-router');
const kongo = require('./src/kongo');
const myCustomRouter = new Router();
const listAction = require('./src/actions/list');
myCustomRouter.get(`/someurl`, listAction('customCollection'));
const app = kongo({
dbConfig: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
db: 'test',
collections: [
router: myCustomRouter
function kongo(Object config)
Object config = {
dbConfig - MongoDB connection setting, see nodejs mongodb driver for more info
Array collections [
String - The name of a collection, to initialize with default settings on
Koa server - creates a new by default, insert your own here to override that
KoaRouter router - creates a new by default, insert your own here to override that