Welcome to the AIBrain Extensions for MoreMountains Unity3D engines (i.e.: Corgi and TopDown) documentation.
{% hint style="info" %} This project is maintained by Marco Secchi and it is free and open-source. If you find it useful, please consider supporting it with a one-time donation on Paypal. {% endhint %}
The project includes a set of tools that will (hopefully) ease your workflow with the AIBrain system.
The Corgi Engine is a Unity 2D + 2.5D Platformer Kit, available on the Unity Asset Store. If you want to know more about it, please read the official documentation.
Alternatively, for a quick introduction, you can check the following feature video:
{% embed url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8bAt1i9gfo&feature=emb\_logo" %}
The TopDown Engine is a complete solution for top-down games, available on the Unity Asset Store. Official documentation can be found on MoreMountains website.
For a quick feature walkthrough, please check the video below:
{% embed url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NTEaEY2Wv8&feature=emb\_logo" %}