A repository to develop glyphs rendered as SDFs.
(The name of this repository was given by mistake. It should "font-edit-roboto." But I keep the initial repository name.)
I convert ttf fonts into pbf files using unvt/nanban and mapbox's node-fontnik.
Please note that Roboto fonts have their own license (Apache License).
I wanted to have PBF fonts for our web map.
git clone https://github.com/un-vector-tile-toolkit/font-edit-robot
cd font-edit-robot
Docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/data unvt/nanban
cd /data
git clone https://github.com/mapbox/node-fontnik
cd node-fontnik
npm install
cd ..
mkdir Roboto/(outputlocation)
./node-fontnik/bin/build-glyphs Roboto/Roboto-(xxx).ttf Roboto/(outputlocation)
You will find converted fonts in pbf in Roboto folder.
ttf fonts are donwnloaded from https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto