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Achievements and Notifications (FXGL 11)

Almas Baimagambetov edited this page Jul 9, 2019 · 2 revisions


To register an achievement, see below:

protected void initSettings(GameSettings settings) {
                                            // achievement name, description, variable name to track, variable value
    settings.getAchievements().add(new Achievement("See the world", "Move 600 pixels", "pixelsMoved", 600));
    settings.getAchievements().add(new Achievement("Killer", "Kill 3 enemies", "enemiesKilled", 3));
    // ... other settings

The first achievement above says, when a game state variable named pixelsMoved is greater or equal to 600, then the See the world achievement is unlocked. You can listen for unlocked achievement events, as follows:

FXGL.getEventBus().addEventHandler(AchievementEvent.ACHIEVED, e -> {
    // do something with e.getAchievement()


Whenever you need to notify the player with a message, you can use the following:

String message = ...
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