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Narrative and Dialogue System (FXGL 11)

Almas Baim edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 10 revisions

FXGL provides a dialogue editor, which can be downloaded from Releases.

Dialogue Node Types



When the dialogue system encounters the FUNCTION node, it will perform the following actions in order:

  • If of this form varName = varValue, then: if a variable exists locally or globally (in this order, where global vars come from initGameVars PropertyMap), it will be set to the new value. Otherwise, a new local variable is created.
  • If using $varName, then: the varName will be replaced by varValue (first checking local vars, then global vars).
  • Call FunctionCallHandler::handle, which is no-op by default, but can be set by the user.

Built-in functions:

// increase variable by value
add varName value 

// decrease variable by value
sub varName value

// multiply variable by value
mul varName value

// divide variable by value
div varName value


In BRANCH nodes, only a boolean returning function is allowed. In addition, only the following comparison operators are supported:


For example, $playerHP < 20. Finally, a boolean variable can be used here: isAlive (without $).


Cutscenes are defined in a .txt file with the following format:

// comments begin like in code
# also a comment

// first person talking (creates a new speaker with id = 1, you can create new speakers at any point) = Player Name

// second person talking = 2nd person talking

// will be searched for in assets/textures/
1.image = fileName.png

// no image name means "do not use portrait"
2.image = 

// speaker "1" is talking, name and image are parsed from above
1: Hello, how are you today?
2: I'm good, thanks, this is an example cutscene line.
1: Got it!

// you can also change name and image mid-cutscene = NewName

2: Hi, my name is different now!
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